Four - Reunion

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There was a bassinet on the far wall. Jeong Hyeok strode attentively across the room towards it, avoiding even so much as a sideways glance at the bed on his right, or the woman lying in it.

He arrived at his destination, looking down at the tiny infant within. He inhaled sharply at the sight of her. She was so small. Smaller than his sister's son had been when he was born. She was swaddled tightly in a hospital blanket. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes squished up. A pink, knit cap sat atop her head with wisps of fine, dark hair poking out. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

He reached out tentatively, running his index finger caressingly over her cheek.

"Jeong Hyeok?"

He took a deep breath, trying his best to tune out the anxious voice behind him as he concentrated on the miraculous creature right in front of him.

"Hi, baby girl," he whispered. "I am your Appa." He reached down into the bassinet, scooping her up gently, being sure to support her head. He held her up in front of him, taking her all in for just a moment, before bringing her into his chest to cradle. Her eyes cracked open just a hint and she made a gurgling sound.

"Jeong Hyeok, please." The voice came again, "Please, just look at me."

"I am looking at our daughter, Se Ri," he replied, more harshly than he had intended.

"She likes you."

"She doesn't know me," he bit back. Se Ri hadn't just taken away his opportunity to be there for the sonograms, feel her kick, pick her name... She had taken away Eun Jung's chance to heat her father's voice as she grew inside her. He was a total stranger to the wondrous being lying in his arms.

"I am sorry," Se Ri's voice wavered on the brink of tears. Jeong Hyeok gritted his teeth, trying to remain calm. He was determined to keep his promise. Eun Jung was innocent in all of this. He refused to mark her first moments on earth with anger and fighting. But it was so hard to remain calm when Se Ri kept trying to talk to him.

He turned back towards the door and taking a step towards the older woman. He looked down at his daughter, "I'm going to give you to grandma now, but I am not going anywhere. I promise." He lowered his head, placing a feather-light kiss on her forehead, before handing her over Se Ri's mother.

She accepted the baby and backing slowly out of the room and closing the door behind her.

There was silence for a moment. Neither person remaining in the room knowing where to begin.

"I really am sorry." Se Ri finally broke the silence.

"Sorry? Sorry!?" Jeong Hyeok bellowed, spinning around to face the mother of his child. "What the hell were you thinking, Se Ri? And don't you dare to say you wanted to tell me."

Se Ri shook her head, tears welling in her eyes. "I won't insult you further by lying. You were never supposed to know," she admitted. "We'd said our goodbyes. You went back to your real-life and--"

"My real life?" Jeong Hyeok sneered. "So this isn't real?" He swept his arms out, gesturing to their surroundings. "That little baby with my nose isn't real?"

"You can't possibly tell if she has your nose yet," Se Ri argued.

"Stop. This isn't some game. This isn't some little escape from the real world where we engage in playful banter and have meaningless sex. That was never what this was. Not for me. I jeopardized a real relationship with a good woman to be with you."

Se Ri scoffed, "I knew she was more than just the dynastic plan." she turned her head away slightly, breaking eye contact.

"You had no right, Se Ri." Jeong Heok moved closer to the bed, "No right to make decisions about my life without me. No right to keep this from me. I could have been there for you. For the baby."

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