Twenty Nine - Duty Calls

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Jeong Hyeok stretched his legs out as much as could under the cramped conference table. He was only halfway through day one of his meetings and while he was happy to see some of his old friends, he was still cursing the fact that he needed to be in London in person. Wasn't that what Zoom was invented for?

And sure he knew this was more than just the average meeting. It was the shareholder's annual meeting, as well as the quarterly executive meeting. A virtual presence from the vice president of the marketing and future CEO wasn't going to cut it, especially, considering he'd teleconferenced in for the last one in September. But that didn't stop him from wishing he was home with his girls.

Things with him and Se Ri were finally... Well, he didn't want to get overly hyperbolic, but good didn't seem like a strong enough word. Not only were they moving in together, but Se Ri had been the one to suggest it. She had been the one to initiate such a huge commitment. He couldn't even describe what that had meant to him. He'd been waiting for that kind of commitment from her over a decade, and before Eun Jung, he'd given up on ever getting it.

"Alright, let's take a 15-minute coffee break," he heard his father announce. "Stretch your legs, empty your bladder, check your Furbo to make sure your dogs are still alive. We're starting back up at..." he glanced down at this Patek Philippe Nautilus watch, "1.50 on the dot. Don't be late."

Jeong Hyeok took a swig of his water, then stood up for that recommended trip to the loo. As he walked he pulled his cellphone out, wanting to send off a quick text to Se Ri. His fingers were sliding across the screen of his iPhone when he heard a familiar voice. "Ahh, the prodigal son returns."

Jeong Hyeok looked up to greet his old friend. "Charles!" he said with a smile, reaching out for a bro hug. "Long time no see, man."

"Well, that's what happens when you disappear and don't bother to call."

"What can I say?" Jeong Hyeok shrugged. "I've been a little bit busy."

"So I've heard. How's dad's life been treating you?"

"It's been... a rollercoaster ride," Jeong Hyeok admitted. And they were currently at a peak high. He loved Eun Jung at this age. She was starting to develop a real personality. The way she would laugh, how she absolutely would not tolerate being ignored, the way she already had favourite people-- although he would probably prefer if Chi Su wasn't one of them. Sure, it was exhausting and stressful, and he lived in constant fear, and there were far more bodily fluids than he would like, but it was all worth it for one smile from his little girl.

"I bet," Charles laughed. "And how are things with Se Ri?"

"They're..." Jeong Hyeok took a deep, contented breath, "really good."

Charles nodded, a genuine smile on his lips. "Well, then, I am happy for you. Even if you leave us high and dry over here."

"If it helps, I do miss you guys-- when I get five free minutes to miss anything."

"Well, then, you'll just have to come out with us. When are you heading back?"

"I've got a red-eye out Saturday night."

"Perfect," Charles nodded. "We're meeting up at The Blind Pig on Friday Night for Armand's birthday."

"Sounds good," Jeong Hyeok looked down to check the time on his cellphone. "I gotta get back, but I'll see you on Friday," he pointed at his friend. "First round's on me."


It was late, almost 10.30, by the time he found himself settling down onto the leather sofa of the Audley Penthouse Suite, a warm flame crackling in the fireplace to his left. His regular meetings had turned into a dinner meeting, which had turned into after-dinner drinks. Jeong Hyeok didn't mind too much. The more he had to do, the faster the time would pass until he could head home to his family. And due to the nine-hour time distance between London and Seoul, Eun Jung would be up and ready to see her Appa.

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