Seven - Rely On Me

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Eun Jung stared cross-eyed at her father as Jeong Hyeok made funny faces at her. His eyes were wide as he sucked in his cheeks, bobbing his lower lip up and down. He heard a laugh come from the other side and he turned his attention to the hospital bed.

"You got a problem with my fish face?" he asked. He found himself less annoyed by Se Ri's emotional reaction to him and Eun Jung than he had been yesterday. He wasn't sure how he felt about that. A part of him wanted to hold on to righteous indignation. What Se Ri had done was unforgivable. But anger was exhausting and he knew he was going to need to be around Se Ri. Eun Jung couldn't be away from her mother for any extended period of time yet. It didn't mean he forgave her, but being able to tolerate her was a step.

"No," Se Ri laughed, "In fact, if your face froze that way, it would be completely fine with me." she pressed her lips together to hold back her laughter.

"Well, I am glad I can amuse you at least since Eun Jung seems less than impressed."

"Don't worry," Se Ri said, "You're Ri Jeong Hyeok. You can make any girl fall head over heels for you. She won't be able to resist your charms for long."

"You're right," Jeong Hyeok agreed with a resolute nod of his head, "I just need to be persistent. I'll wear her down eventually." He refocused his attention on his daughter, continuing to contort his face in strange ways.

After a few minutes, he heard the door open, and assuming it was Se Ri's mother, he paid no mind. He continued to play with Eun Jung. When he pulled away he noticed the awkward silence and felt a pair of eyes staring him down. He slowly lifted his gaze to the new occupant of the room.

"Mr Yoon," he replied in shock. He'd almost forgotten about Se Ri's father.

Yoon Jeung Pyeong looked back and forth between him and Se Ri. "Ri Jeong Hyeok? You're still here,"

Jeong Hyeok shifted Eun Jung in his grasp, making sure she was securely nestled in the crook of his left arm before standing up. "It's good to see you again, Sir." He reached out to his right hand to shake. Yoon Jeung Pyeong ignored the gesture and continued to look back and forth between the former lovers.

"Why are you still here, Jeong Hyeok?" he asked suspiciously.

"I am spending time with my daughter," Jeong Hyeok replied, his voice relaying confidence he didn't feel.

"Aren't you married?" Yoon Jeung Pyeong's face remained impassive.

"I was engaged," Jeong Hyeok corrected. He turned his gaze to Se Ri, wondering if she had noticed his use of past tense. She was looking at him, eyes wide with shock. A small, almost imperceptible gasp left her lips.

"She ended it," he added. He didn't want her to think he'd broken things off with Hye Jin. He didn't want her to think there was hope when there wasn't.

"Se Ri we need to talk," Yoon Jeung Pyeong said sternly.

"Well, about that..." Se Ri said before her father cut her off. "The fact that you lied to me, your own father, is unfathomable enough as it is. But to purposely keep a child from her father?"

Jeong Hyeok looked at Se Ri with raised eyebrows, his expression an exclamation point on Yoon Jeung Pyeong's words.

At that moment, Jeong Hyeok's phone began to ring-- his father's ringtone. He could only avoid the man for so long. "Why don't Eun Jung and I let you two talk?" he suggested. He started for the door, baby in tow.

"Don't think I am done with you," Yoon Jeung Pyeong replied pointedly as he walked past her.

"I know better than that," Jeong Hyeok admitted.

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