Twenty Six - Fascination

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Jeong Hyeok rubbed his eyes, feeling the strain from staring at the computer screen for hours. He was reviewing the documents legal had sent over in regard to the defamation lawsuit they were dealing with. It was his job to deal with any potential PR fallout. So far, it seemed like the facts were on their side, but he needed to familiarize himself with the whole case since it was impossible to foretell when even the seemingly tiniest detail could blow up on them.

"Mr Ri Jeong Hyeok," he heard Mi So's voice sound over the intercom. "You have a..." she trailed off as the door to his inner office was flung open. "Visitor," she concluded in person, rushing up behind the intruder. "I am sorry," she added sheepishly.

Jeong Hyeok laughed, "It's alright, Ms Kim. You couldn't have stopped him. A special ops unit armed with sarin gas couldn't have stopped him. But now might be a good time to head out and pick up lunch. I am thinking Olive Bistro... the usual. Abeoji?" he asked, "you want Greek?"

Ri Chung Ryeol bobbed his head in contemplation before turning to the assistant. "I'll have what he's having," he pointed at his son. "He's a good ordered. He's always ordered well. I've learned my lesson and decided to just start having what he has," Ri Chung Ryeol explained congenially.

"Yes, sir." Mi So replied, her head down. She scurried out of the room.

Ri Chung Ryeol watched as she left. "Does your girlfriend know your assistant has such good legs?" Ri Chung Ryeol asked once she had gone, turning around to face his son.

"That's gross, Abeoji. And it's sexual harassment. Don't let your legal hear you talk like that."

Ri Chung Ryeol shrugged, taking a seat in the chair opposite his son. "It was a compliment."

Jeong Hyeok rolled his eyes. "What are you doing here, anyway? Your flight wasn't supposed to get in until tomorrow and I know you didn't just show up to objectify my employees."

"My itinerary got changes. I needed a meeting with Jang Daepyo about the acquisition and he was only available today."

"I see," Jeong Hyeok nodded, leaning back in his chair, his lips pressed together in a mixture of amusement and annoyance. "Now, do you want to tell me what you're doing with my daughter?" he asked, tilting his head towards the baby his father was carrying.

Ri Chung Ryeol smile brightened as he looked down at the little girl, bouncing her on his knee. "I checked her out of daycare."

Jeong Hyeok shook his head. "I know they're new at this..." After some talks with his father and HR, they'd agreed to a small pilot program and the first J One employee daycare centre had opened its door two weeks ago. "But we need to have a little chat with them about not just handing out babies to strangers."

"What stranger? I am not a stranger, I am her grandfather," Ri Chung Ryeol protested, puffing up.

"Yeah, and you've met her... twice."

"All the more reason for me spend some more time with her. Get to know her. Is that such a crime?"

"Yeah," Jeong Hyeok replied dryly. "It's called kidnapping, Abeoji." He stood up and made his way around the desk. Eun Jung started babbling excitedly and waving her arms. Jeong Hyeok smiled, scooping the baby up from his father's lap.

"Hey!" Ri Chung Ryeol protested. "We were bonding."

Jeong Hyeok shrugged. "I am doing you a favour. If people see you carrying a cute baby around the office, they'll think you've gone soft." He turned his attention to the child in his arms. "Isn't that right, sweetheart?" He cooed, switching to his baby talk voice-despite the number of times Se Ri told him not to. "Yes, it is. Turns out Harabeoji is just a big old softie. Uh-huh, yes he is."

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