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I know, I know, 6 months is too long and that you are all ashamed of me etc. but in all honsetly, now that Teen Wolf isn't on anymore, like airing currently, I haven't really had much inspiration and motivation to write and stuff but it makes my day when i see people commenting on my stuff so thanks. Also, should I go on and write about 3B or should I just tie up loose ends now, at the end of 3A? I really need your input because the Twins don't really play a huge part in 3B except towards the end when Aiden dies(tear) and also Isaac and Allison have a thing and I am not sure how to deal with that if I add in Ashleyana so guys, comments and suggestions would be very welcome.

Also what is your TW OTP mine is handsdown, no competion, STEREK FOR LIFE <3 <3 <3 if you are a sterek shipper follow my tumblr cuz I find some really awesome stuff on that beautiful website and I am not artistically talented enough to create my own stuff so ya its                 ( username is idontevenknow8 and my page is Maya Stilinski-Hale)


"We have to go see Deaton," I said frantically.

Isaac grabbed my hands to stop me from fidgeting. "Hey, breathe.

"That's why I couldn't hear Ethan's conversation this morning and why I got scraped on the fence! Oh god, Isaac, what's happening?"

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. "C'mon, let's go, I'll call Scott on the way."

"Wait. Why would you call Scott? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to call Derek?"

"There is a lot that you missed while you were...out"

He explains to me what happened with Jennifer/Julia, that she was killed, again. The about how Derek gave up his power for Cora and how Scott stepped up to take his rightful place as a true alpha.

By the time he is done, we have reached Deatons and he is waiting at the front like he was expecting us.

“Hello Ashleyana, Isaac.”

“Hi Deaton, do you know what she has blue eyes?” Isaac greets him and launches right into the reason they were here. No small talk today.

“I have a hunch but so far nothing for sure.”

I arched my eyebrow crossing my arms over my chest waiting. When he doesn’t say anything, I prompted him, “Do enlighten us.”

“Well, I think that what happened to you was because of what happened to the twins. I think them becoming a beta affected you too.”

“Why would that affect me? I am not their triplet or something and if something like that happened wouldn’t Derek losing his power affect Peter and Cora?”

“I don’t know but I know that it has to be related to the fact to the twins because when Julia or Jennifer snapped the twins’ necks, you passed out with them. I’m afraid I can’t help much more but if anything happens come to me.”

Just then, Scott entered the back room of the Clinic followed closely by Stiles, as usual. “What's up Isaac, you sounded worried on the phone.”

No one said anything but I shown my eyes at the new Beacon Hills Alpha. “Why are they blue?” Spaztic Stiles asked.

“Deaton says that its probably something to do with the twins and their connection to her or something like that.” Isaac explained to the Dynamic Duo.

“That’s really odd, she is not their twin/ triplet, she is younger than them isn’t she, so why would she be affected,” Scott said cocking his head sideways like a puppy in confusion.

“Ya, you’re not the only one confused,” I grumble under my breath. “Whatever, guys, I have had a pretty good day and right now all I want to do is curl up in a ball and sleep for eternity so I will see you tomorrow,” I say heading towards the door. “Or maybe not, the twins want me for the day I think so see you day after tomorrow.” I add as an afterthought.

The next day consisted of staying in bed until was past midday then watching Star Wars and Once Upon a Time Re-runs(Emma and Hook is eternal <3) with the twins as bonding time. We had macaroni and cheese and deep dish, extra cheese pizza and pigged out with fries for dinner. Thanks god for fast metabolism























I know that was a super crappy chapter and i have just lost inspiration. idk why because i love teen wolf but ahhhh idk. Ok so if you read the authours note comment below and 

OUT OF CURIOSITY, ARE THERE ANY GUYS WHO READ THIS? It was just a really random thought that I was like, he I wonder if people besides female teen wolf fans read this stuff. Like I know there are male fans cuz my twins brother is one but idk i was just wondering if there are guys who love reading like AUs and Fanfics and stuff so if you are a guy, no pressure, comment below, please satify my curiosity otherwise it will drive me crazy, thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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