Why are they here?

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A/N: Sorry for the wait I have been super busy with school and let me tell you, it is not fun at all. Also I am probably going to start updating every wednesday so ya. Enjoy, Vote and Share

Last Time:

"It would be an honour your highness, Alpha" he bowed lowly. Of course Stiles. "Follow me m'lady." I tuurn andd head into the school. Little did I know that two pairs of bright red eyes were watching me as the door closed behind me.


Stiles and I head into the office. "Why thank you Stiles!" I say as he holds the door for me. I look down at my schedule as Stiles pulls out his. He plucked my schedule from me and I was about to protest when he waved me off, intently studying the sheet of paper.

"We have all classes together except gym and I play lacrosse at free period. Issac can show you where gym is 'cause he is in all your classes." he declared.

I nodded. Then th bell rung and reflexively my hands went to cover my ears. "What the heck?!" He just shakes his head and chuckles.

"You are like Scott when he just shifted" I gave him a light shove. 

"Not funny." He just started walking to first class. Chemistry.

"STILINSKI!" a loud and rude voice yells as we walk into class a few minutes late."You are late! And already dragging the new girl into you terrible habits! Detention!"

Stiles just rolls his eyes then whispers "Thats Harris, deep down he knows he loves me" I hide my laugh as we made our way to the back of the classroom next to Scott and Isaac. 

"Calm down boys," I see the two betas start sniffing Stlies, "He is perfectly human and very alive" Mr. Harris starts talking 'Blah, blah, blah' . 

"So..Ash, we got off to an odd start. I am Isaac Lahey" Isaac turns to me.

"Lahey, I am Ash and am new here. I moved from Oregon and I was best friends with Laura Hale since she saved me from somethings I don't care to remember." I shake his out strecked hand. "I love your eyes. Oh god. Did I really just say that?

"Why thank you!" He smirks at me and I roll my eyes. All of the sudden I am on high alert. Two more wolves. Two more alphas. I tense and my eyes skirt around the room really quickly. Isaac notices. "Whats up?" Then I spot them. Two identical twins who look vaugely familiar.

"Who are they?" I ask him my heart starting to pick up. I geusture toward the twins, a few row ahead.

"Aiden and Ethan, part of an Aphla pack. I couldn't breathe. No. Not now. Oh my god, I have to get out of here.

"How many classes do we have with them?"

"Chem, econ, and gym why?" I can't answer. I have to get out of here. Scott turns in his seat. 

"A, whats wrong your hearts going crazy!" I could not answer so Isaac does it for me.

"The twins." The said persons turn towards us and our eyes met. And widened. HIgh School just got a whole lot more complacated. Then the bell rings and I race out of class. They are too fast.

"Ashleyana?" Only three people know my full first name and one of them is dead. The twins stood infront of me. Aiden had spoken first.

"What," I spat at them.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed, vote and share also I will be updating every wednesday if not before. Thanks and LOVE U ALL!!!

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