Meeting the Big Bad Alpha Hale

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A/N: Sorry this took so long, I have been focusing on my other story guardians of the sun and moon so please read that. and i am debating weither this should be a Stiles love story or and Isaac love story so if you could comment that would be amazing Thanks and Happy thanksgiving! oh and this is slightly off the plot line of the MTV plot. I will try to update more.

Last time:

What hurt the most was not the gashes in my body, but the fact that neither brother looked back.


I sprint though the woods, not caring about classes anymore. Whatever. I run, my mind blank and I see a charred house that had a door painted very recently but had been clawed at. I tilt my head up. Werewolves. Multiple of them andI could smell Scott, Isaac and Stiles along with two other sents. *A/N: Erica and Boyd are still alive* Me, being the curious person I am, walked closer all senses alert. I slowly walk up the porch steps and see the door slightly open.

Um....okay. Why does this house look familiar?

"Who are you," a deep voice sounds behind me. I whip around in surprise. I did not even smell him. I turn into familiar green eyes. They look like...

"Hale" I breath out. They look just like Laura's eyes. The eyes of my best friend, non biological sister.  

His eyes flash red and his claws extract. "Who are you?" He growled at me. I growled right back at him. I am not scared of him.

I ignore his question and ask on of my own. "Did you kill her?" He looks at me not understanding. "Laura." I clarify. His claws disappear as he shakes his head.

"I am going to ask you one more time. Who are you and how do you know Laura?" Again I ignore him and walk through the open door of the Hale house and go to sit of the burnt couch. I could tell that Derek had no choice so he followed me into the house.

"My name is Ash and Laura was my best friend and she told me to come here when I thought she was dead." I started once Derek also sat down. "I am an alpha, I don't mean harm and I need to know who killed Laura. Once I have done what I came here to do, I will leave but not until then."

"Peter Hale. Our uncle killed my sister then I killed him but Lydia Martin, who you will meet at school , brought him back and now he and I are living in a warehouse in town."

I growl. "I am gonna kill that son of a-"

Derek cuts me off. "How about you not because as much as I hate him, I need him to finish off the alpha pack."

"And I would be more than happy to help kill the Alpha's. My brothers-" I sigh and start again. "My brothers, Ethan and Aiden were corrupted and killed my pack. Laura found me scared and almost dead. She saved me." I pull up my shirt to show Derek the scars left behind. "She told me to find you. So I did."

He hugged me and I could tell he is not the hugging type. I felt ever since I met him that I could trust him and he would be like a brother that would not leave me.

"Do you feel that too?" Derek asked. "You are my sister just like Laura."

"And you a brother that doesn't leave."

"Now you, get back to school A" he helps me up and we walk out of the house and to the absolutely beautiful 2007 black Chevy Camaro. Oh sweet mama.

"Oh my god, can I have your car?" Derek chuckled and shook his head.

"Nope, it's mine" he said " but you may drive it once in a while." I smile and get in the passenger seat.

"This is kinda weird, I met you once and I already trust you with my life. I don't understand why." I say as we start our way to hell I mean school.

"I know. I don't trust easily but it is like I have known you forever."

The rest of the drive is silent and we pull into the school parking lot. "Dang, that's one smokin' bike." He points to my bike. I smirk

"And that belongs to yours truly."

He turns to me in shock as I close the door of the car and smile innocently. "Maybe a trade sometime hey D?"

He nods and I turn away as the Camaro pulls out of the parking lot. Isaac, Scott and Stiles are standing outside the doors gaping like fish out of water oh this is gonna be fun. Explaining why I just got out of their alphas car.

A/N: comment what you think and I will try to update more often and please read my other stories!

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