The Alpha Twins' Sister

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A/N: This is a teen wolf fanfiction and I do not own teen wolf all rights go to MTV

I pulled up on my new green 2013 Kawasaki Ninja 300 motorcycle. My baby. 'If I don't come back, go to Beacon Hills and look for my brother,' Laura Hale had told me before she left, and a year later when I am almost certain she is gone, here I am!

People looked at me as I took off my black helmet letting my brown, mid-back curls fall. After dismounting I straightened my leather jacket and looked around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Not yet anyway. Just then a green and white racing bike drive up next to mine. Two guys got off the bike the driver took off his helmet.

He was tall with black spiked hair and puppy brown eyes and tan skin. I must say he is kinda cute. The second guy didn't have a helmet and he was about two or three inches taller than the first. He had blonde curly hair and sea foam blue eyes. Beautiful eyes.

The first guy was wearing a white v-neck with blue dark wash jeans with a Harley Davidson leather jacket and aeo classic chukka shoes. The other guy was wearing was wearing a forest green long sleeved shirt with buttons at the top with black jeans with a grey and black cardigan-like sweater. Both werewolves. My eyes narrowed as they walked over or rather strutted over.

"Scott McCall" the tan guy said sticking out his hand. I nod and take his hand. Firm hand shake. I like him.

"Isaac Lahey" the other guy also stuck out his hand. I shake his hand. Even firmer.

"Ashley but you can call me A, or Ash" I replied as I let go of Isaac's hand. In sync they flashed their eyes. Gold. Betas. Easy. I flash my red alpha eyes and smirk at their faces. Priceless.

"Another! Great. Just what we need another freaking alpha" I hear Isaac mutter under his breath. Just then a human ran up wearing a red hoodie and blue jeans with black vans.

"Scott, Isaac sourwo-Derek," he stuttered as he saw me," Derek says that there is another alp-I mean another one in town" Scott rolled his eyes and gestured to me. His eyes widened. "Oh um....hey I didn't see you there. Um..... I'm Stiles and um.... Human and please don't eat me." I chuckled.

"Stiles, I am not a killer. Just because I am a predator doesn't mean I am a killer. Also if I were to eat you I would eat you somewhere where there are not two betas around." I run my hand through my hair. He nods and I smile. "Hello I'm Ash, I'm sixteen, junior and have been an alpha for a year with no pack. Nice to meet you.

He grins back, "Stiles Stilinski at your service, seventeen, also a junior, been a human forever and part of the Hale Pack." I gasp as I hear what pack he is from.

"Hale, as in Laura Hale?"

"No. Derek Hale, her younger brother." This time it was Isaac who answered. I just stood there. My best friend. Gone. That is the only way that Derek could hace become Alpha. I blink rapidly and snap out of my thoughts before they go down a dark road. I really loved those eyes of his.

"Would one of you gentelmen be so kind and show me the office?" I ask

"It would be an honour your highness, Alpha" he bowed lowly. Of course Stiles. "Follow me m'lady." I tuurn andd head into the school. Little did I know that two pairs of bright red eyes were watching me as the door closed behind me.

A/N: that's the first chapter. What do you think? Thanks comment, vote and share!

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