negtive feelings

274 2 33

9870 is my oc

Carson entered his apartment. He closes and locks the door bhane him. He laid down on his couch. 

'Why was i so stupid today there just going to hate me even more he thouth to himself. "Madey i deserved it"

He mumbled to himself.

He turn to lay on his stomach 'ya i probably deserved it for being annoying' he thought to himself falling asleep

The next day

Carson entered site 19 he walked over to the training room where some members of his mtf team were training.

He walked over to them "hey guys" he said. 

Some members looked at him annoyed.

Carson let out a nervous laugh walking away from them

He heard someone walk  bhane him. 

" What do you want leo?" he asked, turning to face him.

Leo looks irritated and pushes him roughly out of his way "get out of my way!" Leo said, grading a gun walking away.

Carson shook his head greading a gun hearing someone enter the room. He turned arun seeing the commander of the mtf group enter the room.

The commander looked arun walking over to two mamber's Training.

Carson walked over to the shooting range.

The commander walk over to him "what are you doing?" she ask looking annoyed

"What does it look like?" he asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Don't talk to me like that!" the commander yells.

Carson rolled his eyes bahane his helmet.

"Whatever" he said, looking away.

"Your such a child! Know get ready we're going to go recontain scp 9870 so stop acting like a immature useless little brat and get ready" the commander said walking away

Carson looked back at the range before putting the gun back

Small time skip

Carson walks with his mtf team he look up seeing something sitting on a tree branch.

He stopped trying to look at it squinting his eyes. 

The figure moves a little.

Carson pulls out a gun pointing it at the figure seeing it move back.

Carson notices something in the figure mouth.

Sounding the creature jumped at carson. Carson took a step back seeing scp 9870 with a knife in its mouth.

Carson pointed the gun at it "attack me and i will shoot you" Carson said

9870 looked at carson its ears prick up hearing footsteps coming towards them. 

9870 dropped the knife sitting down as Leo ran over "CARSON YOU IDIOT WHY-" Leo stopped yelling seeing 9870. Leo started to laugh "oh boy i am not surprised 9870 wanted to attack you '' Leo said laughing.

Carson roll his eyes. 9870 pick up it's kinfe looking at leo. Leo kept laughing until 9870 jumped at him, standing him in the arm.

Leo yells, pushing 9870 to the ground.

9870 hiss.

Carson picked 9870 up as it hissed. Carson rudded 9870 back.

Leo rubbed his arm laughing a little seeing 9870 relax.

Leo took 9870 from Carson walking away from him.

Carson looked away before following.

Time skip

The mtf entered site 19 with 9870 in a cage fast asleep.  

Carson watched as 9870 was given to a continent specialist. 

"Good job leo keep up the good work and you will rise through the ranks" she said making leo smile.


Carson thought 

'Calm down Carson he was the one that kept it from escaping. He does desserd more credit than' he thought.

Carson walk away

Leo looked over at Carson and followed him "so how was the mission for you?" he asked with a smirk.

Carson looked away "fine" he said looking back at him.

"I'm surprised you were useful seeing as you are always being useless" leo said

Carson looked away 'I KNOW YOU DON'T NEED TO TELL ME WHAT I ALREADY KNOW' Carson thought.

Leo looked at him with a smirk "know that i think of it you don't help at all in this mission" he said.

"I keep it from going on a rampage and killing all of us!" Carson yelld.

Leo laughs "aww is little Carson mad?" Leo laughed, "I can see why no one likes you if you get angry over the truth" Leo said laughing.

Carson looks away from leo.

Leo laughed "may i add that 9870 was originally going to attack you so in a way i did save you. Kind wish i don't because if i don't we wouldn't have to deal with your useless a**" 

Carson looks at Leo and smacks him across the face. Leo jumped back surprised "what was that for?" he ask. 

"WHAT DO YOU THINK!?" Carson yelld

Leo let out a small "over the truth? Are you that sensitive?'' Leo said laughing.

Carson bit his lip before pinging him agents the wall.

"SHUT UP!" Carson yelld.

"What is going on here?" 

Carson let go of Leo "nothing Valeria" said carson.

 he attack me for no reason" leo said

"Leo i thought i told you to get your wound check" valeria said

"I'll go now," Leo said walking away.

Valeria looked at Carson "care to explain why you attack your cowerer?"

 Carson looked away "he was aggravating me!" 

Valeria let out a small laugh "seriously? You attack him because he upset you? You realy do act like a stupid child. Get over yourself" 

Carson bit his lip "he started it" 

Valeria rolls her eyes " why do you insist on acting like a child? I'm pretty sure whatever leo said to aggravate you was him being brutally honest. Witch irancly is what you do. Why is it wrong for others to do it but not you?" 

Carson stade quietly looking at the ground.

"Fix your attitude agent Carson this is not the attitude i will allow on my team" she said walking away leading Carson alone.

Carson land agents the wall his eyes well up with tears. "There right" he mumbled to himself.

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