incorrect qoute part 17

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Mist: hey uncle do You ever think-

Lawerence: nop

Lawrence: mist You can do anything

Mist: Anything?

Lawrence: anything

Mist: *starts a fire*  anything?

Lawrence: not that

Molly: hey mist what do You want to be when You lead high school

Mist: whatever makes My perants proude so they don't get mad when i write

Molly: oh


Molly: shut the f*** up

Janice: every time You yell at your children put a Penny in your no yelling sock and soon You Will-


Janice: We’re all in this together. If one of us falls, we all fall. Nobody is expendable on this team. 

Molly: Sounds fake but ok. 


Mist: I thought I told you to stop reading my emails. 

Janice: Well, I thought I told you to stop keeping secrets! 


Mist: Why would anyone want to harm My Mother? 

Ramsey: Maybe because they met her? 

Lawrence: Are you a cuddler? 

9870: I'm a machine of death and destruction. 

Lawrence: ..

9870: ...Yeah, I'm a cuddler. 


Amelia: Do you have a superpower? 

Carson: Yep! It’s hindsight. 

Amelia: …that’s not going to help us. 

Carson: Yes, I see that now. 


Thomas: We have a problem. 

Molly: No, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps making them. *Glears at carson*


Mist: The Ocean is a soup. 


Ramsey: Do elaborate. 

Mist: What are needed for something to be a soup? 

Ramsey: Erm... Water, salt, some form of vegetation, and personally I prefer some meat in mine.  

Mist: *Tilts head* 

Ramsey: The Ocean is a Soup. 

Mist: The Ocean is a Soup. 


Carson: i may be strong but i am still sceard of my Shadow

9870: I may be a fierce fighter, but I'm also a master at catching my own tail.

Molly : If karma doesn't hit you, I Will

Lawrence: I hope they've calmed down…

Mist: Shut up you are annoying . 

Lawrence: pls calm down

Petal: Dammit, you ruin everything! 

Amelia: You're welcome. 

Mist: thank you for not telling mom

Lawerence: i can't tell her about the foundation

Carson: Just be yourself. Say something nice. 

Amelia: Which one? I can't do both. 


Amelia, pointing to the wall: What color is this? 

Molly: Grey. 

Cream: Grey. 

Amelia: *turning to Thomas*Now tell them what color you think it is. 

Thomas: Dark white. 


Mist: *holding a kettle* Coffee or tea?

Lawrence: Tea. 

Mist: Wrong. It's coffee. 


Cream: Like they say, if you can't beat them, curl up in a ball and protect your organs.


Ramsey, gustav, Amelia and lawerence:*comfort mist*

Ramsey: it's okay to ask for help

Lawerence: You're not a burden

Gustav: murder is okay

Amelia: your feelings matter.

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