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Carson walk pace leo who was mumbling to himself. Carson shrugged going to the briefing room sitting next to lawrence. 

Leo entered the room looking around before sitting down.

Valeria started the briefing

Carson started too soon out not lessing to what Valeria was saying.

Carson snapped back to attention, feeling someone elbow his side.

"Coom on Carson" wisperd Lawrance "the mission is going to start soon" he said leading the room.

Carson followed, looking arun.

"You okay Carson? you haven't been acting like yourself" Lawrance ask

" ya i'm just having a bad day" Carson said.

Time skip

Carson got out of a helicopter following the team.

Valeria decides to split up the team.

Carson grown being stuck with leo.

"Coom on idiot" Leo said entering a part of the cave Carson followed bhane.

Carson look arun biting his lip "it's just like i remember tho i thought it coleps" he mumble

Leo laugh "you were not lessening during the briefing where you" Leo ask 

"I'm the one that shoots stuff" Carson said walking away from leo

Leo chukeld walking bhane carson.

Carson walk over to a edg he look down "that's a deep fall" he said to himself

Leo walked over bhane him smiling "ya you were in this cave before tell me Carson what exactly happened?" he asked with a mancing tone in his voice.

Carson look at the edg "well everything started to flood and this creature was well i don't know what it was doing" he said biting his lip

Leo let out a chuckle "I see" as he walked closer to Carson.

Carson turned to face Leo "can you not get so close to me?" 

"Just let me ask you something" leo said

"Why did you kill my sister?" he ask smirking

"I didn't kill her, what are you on about?" carson asked

"You idiot. You left her to die!" leo yells "you said it yourself" 

"No offense leo but i wouldn't expect someone in shock to be able to remember things properly" Carson said in an unusually calm tone

Leo huff "your trying to play with me!" he yelled. "You killed my sister just to save yourself!" 

"Leo lesson to me! The caves where flooding and clopasing she give me a chance to escape" 

"So you're admitting it, you let her die!"

"I NEVER SAID THAT!" Carson yelld

Leo growel "you could have saved her" 

"I couldn't save her leo! Everything was flooding an-"

"SHUT UP. I had enough of this back and forth ''Leo yells " you killed my sister you will pay!" he yelled

"Whatever your going to do to me won't bring your sister back" 

Leo smirks "I know but it will make me feel better" Leo said pushing Carson over the edge.

Leo smiled before hearing someone bhane him. He turns arun before feeling someone push him over the edge.

Carson ground in pain looking arun seeing Leo laying next to him unconscious.

Carson looks up at the edg seeing a ghost-like figure standing on it before jumping down.

Carson blink seeing the ghost figure staring down at him.

"Alex?" he asked, looking at the ghost-like figure.

Leo started to wake up looking arun seeing the ghost "sister?"  he asked, looking at her.

Alex glared at him "you fool. Your a fool brother!" she yelled.

" HE KILLD YOU" leo yells

"he did not! You're a fool. I sacrificed myself to get him out. I would do that with any new recrute!" Alex yells

Leo eyes widen "but he-"

"SHUT UP! Your a idiot you just asome stuff like you always do! Get it, throw your tic scoul. Carson, don't kill me, you wanted to kill him over your own stubbornness!"

Carson closed his eyes  oping them a few seconds later seeing that alex was gone and leo was holding his wrist looking angry.

"Leo," he said. Leo looked at him angrily, "what do you want?"

Carson tried to stand up but imitly fell down. 

Leo roll his eyes "your pathetic" he said in anger

Carson stade quiet before hearing something fall to the ground.

"The caves are collapsing agen" he mumble to himself

Leo smirks "well goodbye" he said running away.

Carson looked arun seeing that the caves were starting to flood. He tried to stand up but imtly feel over he ground in pain as his vision become blurry

He heard footsteps coming running towards him.

"Hello!" he yeld

"Carson what happened!?" 

"Lawrence i can't move" he said 

Lawrance walked closer to Carson "did you fall?"

"No leo he push-'' Carson santice was cut off by a surge of pain.

Lawrance picks Carson up walking out of the cave.

"What happened?" valeria ask looking at Carson and Lawrance

"Leo did something" lawrence said 

"Why would I ever hurt that idiot!?" leo yells 

Lawrance glared at him "it is obies you hate him and let's be honest leo you would hurt anyone you hate we seen it multiple times!" 

"ENGUTH!" valeria yelld "we will figure this out when we get back to the Foundation!" 

Lawrence nodde noticing that Carson had passed out.

Time skip

Carson woke up and looked around he notice that he was in the informeri. He sat up noticing that his right ankle was in a cast

"Stupid leo" he mumble to himself seeing valeria enterd

"Glad to see your awek '' she said walking over "so what exactly happened ? '' she ask

Carson looked at her "I thought Leo woude tell you?" he ask 

"He broke his wrist and lawrence story contradict his' valeria said

"What does his broken wrist have anything to do with this ?" Carson asked

"Shut up and answer my question ! " valeria yelld

Carson rolls his eyes telling Valeria what happened.

Valeria pinch the bridge of her nose hearing carson side of the story "you know i should have guss leo story made 0 seance" she said before walking away.

Carson let out a small smile "I wonder what will happen to him," he said to himself. 

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