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Lawrence look down at numita bead body.

He looked at the wound on his neck "a knife wound" he said to himself looking arun for a knife. He found one under a desk. 

Lawrence looked at it, seeing some blood on it.

"Hey Lawrance did you fine anything?" 

He turns around to see Carson.

"Yes i found the murder wapin" 

"Why does this matter any way numita desserd it" Carson said

"I know Carson but we need to do what we're told,' Lawrence said, putting the knife in the bed and giving it to Carson. 

"What am I supposed to do with this ? " Carson ask

"Bring it to a lab," Lawrence said.

Carson left the room.

Lawrence looked at numita body coldly before walking away.

He walked over to collingwood.

"Lark ! " Collingwood said, hugging lawrence.

Lawrence let out a small laugh "hello honey" he said smiling.

Collingwood let go of the hug smiling "how is it going ? "  she asked

"Still stuck trying to figuer out Numita's murder" Lawrence answerd

Collingwood nodde "i see"

Both stayed quiet for a bit until jones walk over "Lawrence i need you to interview" 

"With who director Jones ? " Lawrence asked

" dr buck she was near Numita office when he was murder she might know who did it" jones said "she's aredy in the interview room" he said walking awey.

Small time skip

Lawrance sat across from buck. 

"Dr buck" he said getting her attention

"Sorry agent Lawrance i was lost in thought"  buck said 

"It's okay" Lawrance said "anyway what did you see?"

Buck look down biting her lip "somen leading his office that's all" she said

"Can you give me more info? Did you see what they looked like?" he asked

Buck looked arun the room as if she didn't know how to answer.

" ummm blonde hire" she answered after a minute of  silence

Lawrance blink "umm anything else?" he asked.

Buck went quiet agen looking arun.

'what is going on with her? She has been acting like this for a 2 weeks now' Lawrance thought to himself.

"Brown eyes? I think, ''Buck said after a few seconds of silence.

"Skin color? Did you see that?" Lawrance ask

"No" buck answer quickly

"Okay," Lawrence said, looking at the table. " anything else. What were they wearing?" he asked.

Buck went quiet looking away.

Lawrance waited for an answer until the door to the interview room opened.

"Lawrance i need to show you something," Lawrance looked at Carson.

"Okay. I'll be right back dr buck" he said walking away.

Small time skip

"So what did you need to show me Carson?" Lawrence asked.

Carson showed him a paper before opening a computer.

Lawrance looked at the paper seeing fingerprint results from the knife.

" I see," he said, "what else did you want to show me?" Lawrence asked.

Carson put a computer in his hands that was playing a security camera video. "I see" he said "i should have guss"

Time skip

Lawrence entered the interview rome. "Sorry about that dr buck" Lawrance said

"It's okay," she answered.

" can you tell me what you where doing when numita was murder?" lawrence asked.

"I was walking pace his office to get to a lab that's all" dr buck answer

"Did you speak to Numita before he died?" he asked.

" no '' dr buck answers.

" i know your lying" Lawrance said "we look at the secrite camaras and we see that you where the one that comited the murder" he add

Dr Buck stade quiet looking away.

" i understand why you wanted to kill him" Lawrence said

Dr Buck looked back at him.

"But that doesn't mean they won't punish you. If it's up to me you would not be punished" Lawrance said as some mtf took dr buck away.

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