not so happy reunion

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Tw for unhealthy family dynamics and implied eating disorder

Lawrence was driving around before parking in front of a house. "Ready Molly ? " he asked.

Collingwood nodded, grading a small box and getting out of the car. Lawrence got out locking the car before walking over to the door knocking on it.

The door opened revelan a lady that had brown hair and brown eyes. "Hello brother" she said. "Janice" Lawrence said as his sister let him and collingwood in.

Janice looks at Collingwood "so this is your girlfriend Lawrence?" she ask

"Yea Janice i told you about her" Lawrence said smiling at Collingwood.

"UNCLE" mist yelled running over

"Mist, I told you to brush your hair!" Janice said, looking down at her daughter.

"I did mom" mist said 

"Doesn't look like it" janice said back 

"It looks fine to me" Collingwood said 

Janice gleard at Collingwood "of cures you will think that" she said 

"What do you mean?" Collingwood ask

Lawrence started to laugh nervously "janice is just joking arun Molly"  he said putting a hand on Molly's shoulder.

Janice rolled her eyes "what did you bring any way?" she asks, looking at the box.

"I brought some cupcakes," she said, opening the box showing them. "Do you want one mist?" she ask

"No" mist said "Don't be rude!" Janice snap

"That wasn't rude" Collingwood said confused

"It is mist is always so rude, '' Janice said walking away.

Collingwood looked at Lawrence "you don't tell me your sister takes everything personally"

" She usually isn't," Lawrence said, looking away.

"Come on, dinner is ready!" Janice yelled from the kitchen.

Lawewnce walks over to the dining room, Molly and mist following.

"Hey ash," Lawrence said looking at his brother-in-law.

"Hey" he said, looking away.

Lawrence stade quiet sitting down Molly sitting next to him.

Everyone started to eat quietly.

Lawrrnce looked up, noticing Mist was harley eating.

"You okay mist?" he asked.

"Ya" mist answered looking at her food.

Janice looked at mist "can you not throw a tantrum?" she said looking annoyed

"I'm not mom, '' Mist said looking at her. "Yes you are and can you sit up straight ? ! '' Janice snap. Mist stade quiet looking at her food before taking a bite from it.

"I said sit up straight" janice said annoyed

"She's not hurting anyone" Molly said

"She's being a brat," Janice answered looking at Molly.

"No she's not" Molly answers slightly annoyed "yes she is she's not leasing to me!" Janice snapped back.

"Jee lawrence don't tell me you were a control freak" Molly said

"What did you just tell me!" Janice yelled standing up.

"I said you're a control freak" Molly said back.

"Oh so you think i'm a bad mother?"  Janice said angry. "Well I'll have you know I only do things for mist on good!"

"Yes and how exactly are you doing that?" Molly asked. "By telling her what she is doing wrong" Janice said.

"Okay and tell me how you're doing that by calling her a brat for doing something that is normal and saying something possibly dangerous, a tantrum ? " Molly ask.

"To tell her it's wrong ! '' Janice yelled

"How !? " Molly yelled back

"Don't be stupid ! "Janice snapped.

"Don't call her that ! Lawrence said standing up.

"Why are you taking her side ?  ! " Janice yelland.

"BECAUSE SHE DONE NOTHING WRONG ! " Lawrence yelled back

"SHE IS BEING A JERK ! '' janice scream

"NO SHE IS NOT ! " Lawrence yells glering a janice


Molly looks over at Mist seen her cover her ears and tearing up.

"Fine if you don't want us here well lead" Lawrence said "lets go molly"

Molly look at mist worried before falloing Lawrence.

"YOU ARE BOTH JERKS" janice said falling Lawrence and molly to the door.

"You don't love me" Janice said "no one loves me" 

Lawrence stade quiet looking at his sister "..i'm sorry" he said.

"I'm used to it," Janice said, annoyed.

Lawrence sighs, walking away Molly following him.

"Lawrence are you okay ? " Molly ask getting in the car.

"Yes, are you okay ? Lawrence asked.

"I'm worried about mist" Molly said.

Lawrence stade quiet as he started driving away. 

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