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"Who are you?" a young buck asked.

The humanoid wraps a wing arun her "max" she answers.

Present time

"SHUT UP WOUDE YOU!" Buck yelled at scp 105.

"All I did was ask a simple question!" iris yelld


Max growel watching before disappearing.

In buck apartment

"You're such a hypocrite!" yelled max

"What are you talking about?" buck ask

"Oh I don't know mady the fact that you treat anomalies like garbage when you yourself are one!"

Buck rolled her eyes ''how about you mine your own business!" she snapback

" how about you shut up and lesson to me!" max yelld flying in front of her 

Buck glared at max Brown eyes  "the last time i lesson to you i almost got caught" 

Max balled up her fist "that was your own fault and that doesn't even matter about what we are talking about!" 

Buck huff "it kind dose"

"No it doesn't! This is about you being a hypocrite!" max yelld. "You treat scp's like garbage even tho you could be considered one!"

"Look i don't care about what you have to say max" buck spat "you almost got me intrubel multiple times and becuse of you i almost got this stupid abilty discoverd witch cude have made me a scp ! " she said looking awey seeing that two more spirets have apierd.

"Daisy sam back me up here!" max yelld still glaring at buck.

"Um max i think you need to calm down" sam said walking over

"SHUT UP OLD MAN!" yelled max

"So do you want his help or not?'' Buck asks, looking annoyed.

"She has a point you can't ask for help and then tell them to shut up" Daisy said walking over

Max glared at Sam and Daisy, "both of you shut up! I am your leader" 

"You're starting to sound like my father,"  Buck said.

"AND YOUR JUST LIKE YOUR FATHER!" max yelld looking at buck.

Buck started to tear up looking away

" Max, that's way too far!" sam said walking over to buck

"It's the truth tho She is just like her father" max said her voice full of venom.

Buck snap going to slap max. Max gread her wrist throwing her to the ground a pop sound coming from buck wrist "WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT ATTACKING US!"

" SHUT UP MAX I DO NOT CARE" buck yelled holding her wrist

"I had enough of this," Max said, disappearing.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER?" Buck yelled looking at Sam and daisy.

Sam walkover grading buck wrist "i don't know she's been acting like this for a long time know this might hurt '' Sam said, putting buck wrist back in its socket.

Buck looked away "goodnight sam goodnight Daisy" she said going to her room.

Daisy and Sam look at each other.

"Max is planning something" daisy said looking at sam

"I know daisy let's just hope no one gets hurt" he said disappearing

Daisy sigh disappearing as well.

The next day

Buck walk out of her room seeing Daisy sitting down on the cotch "hello there Amelia" she said "i need to ask you for a favor" she said

Buck ground "what do you want me to do this time ? " she ask annoyed

"Destroy scp 096" Max said walking over to her. 

"No, I won't do that ! " buck said angry

"Yes you will" max snap. 

"You can't make me" buck said storming away

Max laught before following.

At the Foundation

"Hello dr buck" dr collingwood said

"Hello dr collingwood. How have you been today?" dr buck ask

Max watch the two annoyed before looking at buck "when are you going to do what i told you to do!?" she yelled.

Buck injonerd her and kept talking to collingwood .

Max huff "did you lesson to me!? Do what I told you to do already !  STOP IGNORING ME" 

Buck walks away from dr collingwood still ignoring max.

"Fine i'll do it myself" max said going to scp 096 cell.

She smiled seeing him asleep. She walks over to him somning a knife.

Scp 096 walks up hearing max and yells.

Max jumps in surprise hearing someone run into the cell.

Max looks over her shoulder seeing dr Collingwood looking at 096.

She walked over to him trying to calm him down.

Max growel walking over watching Collingwood.

'Stupid humans' max thouth looking at her knife and smiling

Collingwood torn arun to walk away when 096 had calmed down. Max flew in front of her, slashing her face.

Collingwood yelled, putting a hand on her face.

Max smiled walking out of 096 cell seeing Lawrance and another agent run into the cell.

Max looks at them before looking back after hearing a gasp seeing buck looking at her.

In buck office

"Why did you do that!?" buck yelled glaring at max

"She got in the way" max said codley

"In the way of what!? You destroying scp 096 when it did nothing to you"

" it killd me" max said


"Why do you care so much?" max ask 

"SHE'S MY FRIEND!" buck yelld

"You don't have any friends" max snap

"How would you know that!?" buck yelld

"I've known you since you were a child!" max yelld "and you never had any friends ! " 

Buck laugh "well i do have a friend" she yelled

Max rolled her eyes "good for you brat" 

Buck huff "and you attack her for no reason ! '' buck yelld

"She got in the way ! " max yelld

"STILL NO EXCUSE ! '' buck yelld 

Max rolled her eyes "you're way too emotional" she said looking away from buck.

"YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HER ! '' buck yelld.

"No i couldn't have" max said

"Yes you could have"

Max rolled her eyes ''i'll come back when you calm down" Max said disappearing.

Buck huff "stupid max i wish i never mat her!" she yelld hitting the wall "stupid Max" she mumbel

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