leo still bing a jerk

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Ramsey,Lawrance,carson and leo walk arun a forest.

"Huh where is this damn thing !? Ramsey said annoyed.

Lawrence shrugged "it should be nearby"

"How do you know that ? " asked leo

"I don't i'm just guessing" lawrence yells

Leo roll his eyes "that's stupid" he said 

"Can you shut up Leo?" Ramsey said visibly tik off.

Carson laughed a little. Leo nerror his at Carson "have something to say wimp?" 

Leo ask.

Carson rolled his eyes ''yes but not to you '' Carson said looking away from leo.

"I think i just see 9870!" leo said gesturing towers some bushes. "It went trowe there" leo said.

"How do we know you're telling the truth?" Lawrance ask

" jeez your acting as if i betrayed the foundation or something" leo said

"I mean given your recent treach reacored you should have expected this' ' said Carson.

Leo huff rolling his eyes.

Some noises coming from nearby.

"Told you so," Leo said, smirking.

"You two stay here, me and Lawrance are going to check if it is 9870" Ramsey said walking away Lawrance following her.

Leo looked over at Carson "hey why do you always wear a helmet?" he ask

Carson ignores Leo humming to himself.


Carson look away.

"Why are you so rude?" leo yells

"Funny you're calling me rude considering everything you've done" Carson said.

"And you killed my sister!" Leo yells "and got away with it!"

"Get it through your thick skull I don't kill her unlike you i don't want to kill anyone!" Carson yelld

Leo laugh "your such a idiot" 

"What's wrong with you!?" Carson yelld.

Leo huff annoyed "you killed my sister, my only family!" leo yells.

Carson sighs "look i understand how it feels to lose someone close to you. But i don't kill your sister" 


"Can you shut up leo!?" Carson yelld 

Leo huff "why should i lesson to you when you killed my sister!,"

Carson sighs, "I'm just going to shut up now before this conversation gets any weirder," Carson said looking away from leo.

Leo pulled out a knife looking at carson he smirk 'he desserds this he got away with killing my sister' leo though walking over to Carson.

"What are you doing?" Carson asks, looking at leo.

Leo doesn't answer stabbing Carson in the stomach.

Carson's eyes widened in shock.

Leo took his knife out of carson

Carson fell to his knees holding his stomach.

Leo laughed "that is what you get for killing my sister" he said smiling.

"You disserd this, '' Leo said.

"This ... Won't .... Bring ..... Your ..... Sister .... Back, ''Carson said with long pause between each word.

"I know that unlike you i am not stupid but this will make me feel better" leo said droping the knife to the ground.

"Seeing you dead like my sister would make me feel better" leo said smiling

"WHAT HAPPENED HERE !? '' Lawrance yelled running over Ramsey walking behind him holding a cage  with a half conscious 9870 in it.

Leo looks at both of them not answering.

9870 lifted its head up sleepy, its eyes nerror as it somend a pocket knife throwing it at leo.

Leo gasps feeling the knife hit his side.

Leo holds his side wincing in pain. "Stupid cat" he mumbeld.

Lawrence helps Carson bring him to the humvee as Ramsey helps leo.

Time skip

Carson was at the medical wing getting his injury treated.

Valeria entered the room Carson was in when the medic left.

"So what happened?" she ask

"Leo tried to kill me again!" Carson yelld

Valeria looked away "and why would he do that?"

" He thinks I killed his sister," Carson answers.

"And why would he think that?" valeria asks.

"How am I supposed to know!?" carson yelld.

Valeria huff looking at Carson ''are you sure you don't provoke him?" valeria asks.

" officers I am, even if I did , how would that change anything!" yelled Carson

"jeez short tempered much" Valeria said annoyed.

"I'm starting to think you did provoke leo!" yelld valeria.

"What makes you think that?!" yelled Carson.

"The way you act" said Valeria "know if you mine me i am going to talk to leo" said valeria walking out of the room.

'Why does this keep happening to me?" carson ask himself 'and why does leo keep getting away with it' he thought

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