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Molly sigh as she see the kids watching tv.
"I don't know why they need two babysitter's" Molly said
Carson shrugs "kids dinner time" he yells
The 3 kids ran over to the kitchen table.

Carson gave the kids Mac and cheese the parents told him and Molly to make.
" I DON'T WANT MAC AND CHEESE!" One of the kids yelled.
"Sorry but your parents told us to make You Mac and cheese," Carson said.

"I WANT PIZZA" the 2nd yelld " I WANT MORE CHEESE" the 3rd kid yelled.
The kids keep yelling overwhelming Molly and carson.

Carson grades the 2nd kid plate and adds pepperoni and tomato sauce in it as Molly puts more cheese in the 3rd kids Mac and cheese .

The two give the bowels back before looking at the 1st kid.
"What do You want to eat?" Molly ask
The kid yells throwing their bowel before running away to another room.
Carson and Molly looked at each other as the 2 other kids ran after them.

Carson sighs "I'll go get them" he said going to the room. Seen the kids running around their room. "Kids you need to eat" he said
"NO HUNGRY" the kids yelled. One going to a bookshelf grading random books, throwing them to the ground.

"Hey stop" carson said walking over. The other Two kids laugh, throwing the covers off their bed's. "Kids bath time!" Molly yelled running into the room.
The kids look at Molly and Camley walk to the bathroom. "Good luck cleaning that mass, '' Molly said walking away.
Carson groans, feeling a headache setting in.

*Time skip*

Molly walk down the stairs sopa in her hire "carson You handle them know" she said annoyed

"What happened?" Carson asked.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK" molly yelld

"Okay okay i'll go put them to bed '' Carson said walking away.

Molly sigh annoyed

*With carson*

Carson grabbed a book from the book shelf and started to read it .

"I HATE THIS BOOK" one of the kids yells angrily.
Carson sigh "is there a book You 3 like?" Carson ask tired.
"NOO" the 3 kids yelled.

"How do Your parents handle You " Carson whispered to himself, putting the book on the shelf. "Good night" he said, turning off the lights and walking away.

"I have a headache" carson complain
"Same here," Molly said, looking at the floor.
"How do the parents handle the kids?" Carson said "the oldest is 9 You would think at some point the parents would have taught him how to beehive!" He add

Molly shrugged yawning before hearing the kids room Open.
"Oh no" she whispered as the kids ran down yelling. "Kids what's wrong '' Carson asked as the kids ran around in circles.

"kids!" Molly said, raising her voice a little bit. The kids stop to look at Molly and Carson, starting to fake cry. "Kids we know you're not actually crying know go to your room if-" Carson was cut off when the door to the house opened.

The parents look at Molly and carson livid "kids go to your room" the father said
"The babysitter's don't give us food," the younger one said.
"Will get You something to eat," the mother said. The kids nodded going to their room.

The parents looked at carson and Molly "get out" the mother said
"Lesson we-"

Molly and Carson grade their things leading the house. "Well that was fun," Carson said sarcastically

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