𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷

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Chapter 1
The start of summer

June 20, 1962

The school bells started ringing everywhere
Kids of all grades running outside to the baseball field for the last day of school game.

Varsity vs Jr.Varsity

Adeline hurried her way outside with the rest of the sandlot boys following the girl making they're ways to the dugout in the school field

Ada always wanted to play with the boys on the field in an out of the sandlot, however the other team didn't think the girl could play and always had to repeat 'girls can't play ball'

she never understood why she wasn't aloud to play but ignored the hateful and sexist comments everyone gave her

Benny always knew Adeline could play and it was dumb how the other never let her, he hated seeing his best friend sad

In the middle of the game the brunette saw her other three friends finally enter the field sitting on the side talking, the girl went over to her friends and sat with them talking and watching the game

She started playing with the hem of her blue dress while her friends turned they're attention to the pale girl and watched her wrinkle the new dress her mother had bought that weekend

Now don't get them wrong they all loved the girl, other then the sandlot boys the girls went to primary together and have been friends since

They all bonded and it was amazing, but after she met the sandlot boys she spent more time with them then her girl friends

The girls were always welcomed to the sandlot to watch them or even learn to play but it was all 'too boyish' they at least respected their friend who played

"Ada, are you ok? You seemed dazed"
Ruby the girls blond friend asked her

Ada turned her head to her friend and nodded with a small smile on her face

The girl always seemed to daze off or day dream about anything really, they didn't know why it just happens

As Benny made his way to home plate bat in hand, and got into position

The boy was always focused on the game, ignoring the squeals and cheers that were erupting throughout the school field

The three girls couldn't help but stare dreamily at the boy, how focused he was on the game made him even more attractive and Ada could see her friends drooling all over her best friend

"Ruby, hello?" Ada kept waving a hand in the girls face

She snapped chatted it of it and moved her hand out of her face

"What?" The girl asked annoyed glaring at the freckled face girl she called get best friend

She slightly smiled and replied something made her friend worry about.

"Your drooling"

All the girls eyes widened whipping they're faces off as if they were drooling

Ada sat there amused watching all her friends whipping they're faces

The pitcher pitched the ball towards the boy, while he hit it with ease

Running from base to base by the time he hit 3rd base the ball was thrown to the catcher at home as he threw it back to 3rd.


Jr.varsity aka Adas other best friends ran into the field screaming encouraging the boy to run faster

As soon as the ball leaves the pitcher Benny runs to home place leaving a dirty shoe mark on the plate.

Cheers and groans erupted the field as jr.varsity has one the game

Ada then stood up and ran over to her best friend throwing her arms over his neck hugging him as his arms go around her waist and slightly pick her up due to the small height difference

Putting his best friend back down, the two couldn't help but blush a bit noticing how close the twos facing were

As soon as they left the hug, boys who were known as Ada and Bennys neighborhood friends came up to congratulate the boy for winning they're game

As soon as Benny was gonna ask Ada something the bell rings informing the kids class starts again.


Science class

As the students in science class work hard on they're last assignment three boys in the back were quietly talking about summer

"Come on Benny we need to do other things than baseball for once" Bertram Grover Weeks told his best friend

"Yea come on Benny man we do it everyday every summer!" Kenny Denunez exclaimed to his best friend.

The teacher heard the conversation and was about to shush the boys there was a knock on the door

As the teacher got up from her desk she opened the door to reveal a young girl holding a bunch of books with stacked up in her arms

The three boys saw they're friend talking with the teacher about the books for next year, as she was placing the books down on the teachers desk

Ada made eye contact with the one and only Benjamin

Giving her a small smile from across the classroom she returns it, he watched as she walks out of the classroom and bids her goodbyes to the teacher

After a couple of minutes of going back to the conversation about baseball the Latino male just ignored all of it
He wanted to play baseball everyday, and he did know they had to take breaks but he only wanted so many.

As soon as the bell finally rung informing everyone that the school year was finally over, everyone was relieved and couldn't wait for the summer

As Ada left the classroom she met up with Benny and her other two baseball friends

The rest of the boys met up with the four at the front of the school, they all made they're way walking home before they're mothers could ask what took them so long

Hi! I will be taking a bit of a break from updating so I can catch up with school thanks for reading!

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