𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟷

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Chapter 11———————————————Biggest Pickle Ever

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Chapter 11
Biggest Pickle Ever

The night July 14

Benny tossed and turned all night but he couldn't seem to fall asleep

His stomach rumbled for hunger since he hasn't eaten dinner that night for his mom falling asleep earlier than normal

He got out of bed and made his way towards the kitchen, which was close to the front door

As he was about to grab something out of the fridge he turned to the table
Seeing someone Benny dropped the apple that was in his hands

"Who are you?" He whispered yelled
The Latino boy turned on the kitchen light just to see Ada in a chair her arms comforting her face as she helplessly slept with a book open

Benny released a breath he didn't know he was holding in
He picked up the apple and placed it in the sink making his way towards Ada

He picked her up bridal style tiptoeing to his bedroom
Thank god it was closest to the kitchen otherwise his mother would've heard and would have one hell of a talking too

He placed the pale girl down on the right side of his bed tucking her in nicely so she's all warm

Benny went back to the kitchen to turn off the lights
When he did he heard footsteps coming

Bennys heart raced before sprinting off to his bedroom

He closed his door quietly to make sure no one heard him

Sighing, he turned back to his bed to see Ada already covering the whole bed cuddling with his pillow

The Latino smiled as he made his way into bed
Pulling the covers over him, he brought Ada into his chest letting her let go of his pillow and grabbing onto Bennys lower waist

Oh wow he thought
Why does she have to be so pretty?

Bennys face blushed a magenta color before closing his eyes and breathing in the scent of his crush below him

The Sandlot

There Benny stood, his eyes looking directly at Kenny waiting for the baseball to be pitched

As soon as the boy pitched Benny smacked his hardest he ever has letting the ball fly throughout the air

Everyone started murmuring to themselves and stood frozen in they're place

Ada brushed her two braids behind her as she felt sweat sneak into her braids

"Holy moly" Ada squeaked out in astonishment

The ten kids ran over to the ball laying on the ground busted

"Holy shit"
"How did you do that?"
"Damn who got you mad Benny?"
"Must be an omen"

All the kids spoke out at the same time looking at the ball in astonishment, as for Benny

"Oh, I'm sorry guys. Now we can't play no more" Benny apologized shaking his head

Ada grabbed the boys hand laying her head on his shoulder

"You shouldn't be sorry Benny, that's the most amazing thing I've ever seen!" Ada smiled sweetly making Bennys knees buckle

"Does anyone got any money?" Benny asked trying to ignore the feeling in his knees

Everyone shook their head no leaving Benny to sigh

"Uh, I got a ball" Scotty said making the other nine kids heads to snap
"Go get it!"

The Sandlot

While Scotty was getting the ball the sandlot kids sat in the shade with drinks waiting for the 11 year old

"Benny?" Ada asked playing with the end of her braid

"Hm" Benny hummed closing his eyes as he sat in the sun

Ada moved closer to Benny while blushing her face off
"So uh, remember like, last night? When you uh" Ada's sentence faded as her eyes moved to her used PF flyers

Bennys eyes opened and stared at Ada as she stammered her sentence
"Like, when you, kissed, me?~" Ada's voice faded into what seemed to be like a melody to Bennys ears

The Latino boy smiled at the sight before sitting up and placing his lips on hers

Ada's eyes slowly closed and kissed back, not caring if the boys saw them or not

Not like they don't tease enough anyway

After around 5 seconds of both teenagers in heaven they pull away smiling at one another until Ham breaks the silence

"Jesus for the sake of baseball, just date already!" Ham yelled at the blushing teenagers

"Yeah yeah! I bet you guys like, already made out!" Yeah-Yeah agreed with Ham

"Shut it Yeah-Yeah!" Benny yelled back at the boy
Before anything else could happen Scotty came running in the sandlot with a ball in his hand

"I got it! I got it!" Scotty waved the ball in his hand

"Alright! Your ball, your ups!" Benny passed the ball to Kenny

Little did they know, that would get them into the biggest pickle of they're life


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