𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟺

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Chapter 14
Just a little love

July 25, 1962

Kissing him on the lips felt like heaven to Adeline Lawrence, just knowing now that he was hers and she was his was all that Adeline needed to have a bright smile

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Kissing him on the lips felt like heaven to Adeline Lawrence, just knowing now that he was hers and she was his was all that Adeline needed to have a bright smile

Her eyes were filled with hearts when she entered her household, and just in time for dinner

The smell of lasagna filled her nose making the girl even more excited as her favorite meal was being served tonight

Annie then came out of the kitchen still in her nightgown holding a bowl of strawberries and peanut butter
Dipping the strawberries in before eating them

'Pregnancy cravings are so weird'
Ada scrunched her face up in thought of the weird kind of foods she might eat if she was ever to be pregnant

Over the past couple of months, Annie's belly has gotten bigger and bigger, she must have triplets or something

Annie has been pregnant for the past 2 months but didn't tell anyone until Annie realized her stomach would start showing soon

"Dinners ready!" Annie called out setting down a huge pot of lasagna in the center of the table

Ada ran towards the table with a bright smile

"Woah woah, hold it little lady" Ada's father told her stepping in front of her

"Go wash your hand first, then we'll talk about your loving heart eyes"

Ada blushed at the comment before running all the way to the bathroom without a comment

David sighed rubbing a hand through his hair "I can't believe it, she's really growing up" he muttered making his way into the kitchen to help place the plates

The family of four sat down holding each others hand then began to say grace

"Grace" They all yelled before digging in

"Ok so dinner table conversation.." Annie trailed off looking around the table

David cleaned his throat "Ada" He started "Why are you looking so jolly all of a sudden? It's not even Christmas yet!"
Ada's face flushed red even more as she continued to chew on her food

Sarah looked at Ada with her eyebrows furrowed, she had a feeling it was somewhat close to be about Benny making Ada all happy

For the past few days Sarah had realized that she couldn't have a chance with Benny after seeing how close the two were and gave up her feelings she then realized she has never had

Sarah hadn't apologized to Ada yet, but she knew she had to sometime

"Well Uh-" Ada stuttered keeping her eye at her plate wanting to change the conversation

"Is it about Benny?" Annie gasped realizing something good had happened "oh my god, has he kissed you yet?" She asked her stepdaughter with the brighter smile

"Maybe" The brunette muttered not wanting anyone to hear it

Annie jumped out of her chair and pulled Ada into a big hug squealing of excitement as Ada's head rested on her large stomach "Oh my god, you have to tell me what happened!" Annie exclaimed as well as Sarah got out of her chair and hugged her stepsister "This is so exciting!" Sarah exclaimed grabbing Ada's hand and pulling her to her bedroom

The two women sat the girl on the bed full of purple and pink while asking questions at the same time

"Woah woah, slow your horses" Ada said making the other two silent

"Ok I'll tell you about everything" She started making the two other women squeal before interrupting "but, you can't tell dad since you know how he already reacts with the fact Benny and I have kissed-" "Made out on the doorstep of the side porch, yes Adeline, we know" Sarah cut off

Ada nervously laughed as Annie rolled her eyes
"Ok, tell us everything!"

July 27, 1962

Sadly, Ada wasn't able to join the sandlot kids to keep trying to retrieve the signed ball as for Annie was sick with the flu

Every night Benny and Ada would stay up to early dawn talking to each other over the phone for what happened and what they did that day

Pretty romantic to say the least

"So then we tried grabbing the ball with a leaf puller or something, I don't know what it's called but the look on Hams face was worth it" Benny told the brunette over the phone as she played with the cord of the phone

"Holy moly!" Ada exclaimed breathily laughing laying in her back with her legs crossed
"I wish I could've been there" She sadly smiled

"I wish you could've been there too" Benny sadly sighed with a small smile

"Well I have to go to bed I'll see you soon" Ada twirled the strand of the cellphone
"Ok,"Benny sighed "Just make sure you hang up first"

"What? No! You hung up first!"Ada playfully fought

"No, you hang up"

"No thanks, you can"

"No you ha-" "Benjamín, si no cuelgas el teléfono con tu novia, ¡llamaré a mamá, idiota!"Ada heard Bennys older sister, Camilla, knocking on the door louder and louder

"Ok jeje! no seas tan mocoso!" Benny yelled back in Spanish irritated before turning back to the phone
"We'll now you really gotta hang up"

Ada giggled before sending kisses to him over the home as he pretend to put it in his pocket

"Ok, I love you!" Ada said
"Love you more!" Benny responded before the both of them hung up the phone

Kinda cringy ngl oh well


HAHA I updated lol



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