𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝙱.𝚁.

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Benny Rodriguez
July 24, 1962
A hopeful day for the Latino boy

Benny stood in front of the bathroom mirror checking his outfit for the day

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Benny stood in front of the bathroom mirror checking his outfit for the day

His mom helped pick it out as she knew today was going to be special for both Benny and Adeline

Benny looked out the window to see Adeline walking down the street with a new dress?

Benny payed attention to the dress that he has never seen before

Annie must've gotten it for her

Benny looked in the mirror one last time before running down the street to catch up with Ada

"Hey, Ada, Hey! Wait up!" Benny called out to the brunette

As soon as she turned around he got a closer look at her outfit
It fit her body well, and it brought out her bright hazel eyes

"Hey Benny" Ada said

How come I never noticed my name sounded so beautiful coming out of her mouth? He thought to himself

He cleared his throat "Hiya Ada, say, would you care to join me at the ice cream parlor? I wanna talk to ya if you don't mind"

His heart couldn't stop going any faster than it was it felt as if he were sweating

"Sure!" She responded with a bright smile

He smiled back before walking his way towards the ice cream parlor watching as Ada had to hurry her steps to catch up with his

The finally made it to the parlor after laughing about some dumb thing Benny had said

Oh why does her laugh sound so beautiful

Benny sat across from Ada in a bright red booth watching her flatten her dress as she sat down

"Obviously if I want to be a baseball player when I grow up I gotta focus y'know?" He told the girl as he played with the hem of his hat continuing the conversation they had

He watched as Ada nodded continuing to look through the desserts

"Ada?" He asked "Ada.." He waved his hand in front of her face

"Ada, are you alright?" The Latino asked as his voice filled with concern

"Oh uh yeah I'm fine. Sorry, what were you talking about?" Ada apologized trying to get back in the conversation

"Oh, yeah. Remember when you told me you wanted to be an actress?" Benny asked wanting to know about what she wanted to do when she's older

A waiter soon came over to grab their order
"I'll have a strawberry ice cream please! Oh and rainbow sprinkles if ya got any" Ada smiled at the waiter who smiled back at her
"And you?" He asked Benny

"I'll get chocolate" Benny handed him both of the menus

"Right away" the waiter walked away

"I don't know how you can put up with strawberry ice cream Ada" Benny told the pale girl as she looked up to meet his eyes

She shrugged "Have you ever tried it before?"

"No.." Benny trailed off looking at the dogs and cars passing by

"We'll you gotta try it" The brunette giggled making Benny smile

"trust me, it'll make your tummy flip like it never has. It's the best!"

"I guess I'll have to try it" He mumbled to himself

Soon the waiter came back with their ice creams
"Have a great day" The waiter smiled before making his way behind the counter

Ada put her spoon in the strawberry ice cream before putting it in Bennys face

"Try it" Ada demanded with a smile stuck in her face

Benny took a bite of the ice cream before placing the spoon back in her ice cream eating her ice cream "this is too good"

Holy shit this is too good

As Ada giggled Benny wiped off his mouth looking down at his ice cream before looking up at a laughing brunette

"Ok, ok, it's good, but you haven't ever had chocolate before, right?" He asked

She shook her head

I know she'll just love chocolate

Benny placed his spoon in his ice cream before putting it in Ada's mouth "it's good I know"

He watched as Ada's eyes widened at the goodness

Soon enough the two finished the others ice cream

Finally after what felt like forever they then left after Benny had payed the bill
convincing Ada he could pay, after all he wanted to be a gentleman

"Why do you always pay? Do you have like, magic pockets or something?" She asked

Benny laughed before placing his arm over her shoulder "I'm just trying to be a gentleman, a lady should never pay"

"Whatever" Ada sighed as Benny kept staring at her features

How is she so cute?

The two started walking down the sidewalk in silence watching cars go by, kids playing, and owners walking their dogs

Here goes nothing
Benny sighed

"So uh Ada" Benny started as he took his arm tan arm off the pale girls shoulder as his hands filled his pockets

"Yeah?" Ada asked locking eyes with him

"So you know how we have like kissed, a couple times?" He asked trying his best not to stutter

"Uh huh" She nodded before he continued
"I was wondering, that uh" he paused closing his eyes

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

I swear if my heart keeps beating as fast as it it

Happy new year! Hopefully 2022 is better and slower lol have a great year yall

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