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This one isn't really a chapter, more like a second prologue. I promise the other chapters will be much longer. :)

"We need ta get da word out ta every newsie in da city! We need some of dose (those)..." Jack trailed off.

"Ambassadors?" Davey guessed.

"Yeah! Yeah, yous guys go out an' be am-bastards." Davey rolled his eyes at Jack's words, "Alright, whos got Queens?"

Jack started sending off newsies all over New York. "Who gots Brooklyn?"

Silence coated the remaining newsies, "What? Are y'all scared a Brooklyn?"

"We's ain't scared of Brooklyn!" Boots defended. He then got quiet, "It's just that Spot Conlon makes us nervous."

After a little back and forth, Jack decided that he, Davey, and Boots would go. Just as they were about to leave, another newsie piped up, "What about da Bronx?"

Everyone froze.

"Uh..." Jack stuttered, "Dat's Emerson's turf. No big deal." 

"I dinks you might be forgetting someting important." Race raised an eyebrow, "...Nickels." 

"Yeah yeah." Jack waved him off, "As I's says, no big deal!" 

"Who's Nickels?" Les asked. 

"One of da newsies in da Bronx." Race said, chewing on his cigar, "Got's a big name fo' 'imself." 

"Only one newsie?" Davey pointed out, "Shouldn't we be able to convince one newsie? I mean, if they don't have any followers-" 

"You don't know Nickels." Jack said, "I'd only talked to 'im once, and it didn't end well. Sure, 'e don't have any newsies behind 'im, but 'e sure knows 'ow to fight. And talk. 'E can come outda nowhere, yet 'e's everywhere. Yet 'e don't have any spies! No one knows 'ow 'e does it." 

"But why do we need Nickels?" Davey asked, "If we could just get into the Bronx and talk to Emerson, then we'd be fine!" 

"Nickels is very protective of da Bronx." Jack sighed, "'Parently (apparently), Emerson did 'im a favor at some point, and now 'e won't let anyone near 'im. Like 'is own personal bodyguard. Who 'e never sees. Or talks too. Nickels will see us and stop us. We can't 'ide (hide) from 'im." 

"Then what are we gonna do?" Les whined. 

"We'll get Spot first, an' den (then) go ta da Bronx," Jack said, "I once 'eard dat Nickels let one of da Brooklyn newsies into da Bronx witdout any trouble. Maybe Spot once did someting fo' 'im too. I don't knows." 

"Then let's go get Spot." Davey sighed. 

Nickels (Spot Conlon x reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now