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Hello everyone!! I know it's been a long time, but I hope the wait is worth it. Again, I would just like to repeat that this will NOT follow the story-line. (Mostly because I'm to lazy to rewatch the movie...) so yeah! Hope you enjoy!

I dropped down from the statue in the middle of newsie square, right in front of Spot, Jack, and Davey. It'd been a couple of weeks since that night, and the strike was in full swing. Almost all the newsies were there, and we're about to negotiate a deal with Pulitzer.

"'Ello boys." I said, smirking.

"Hey Nickels!" I turn around to see Les, a younger newsies that I'd gotten to know quite well. He'd guessed my secret early into me meeting him, and was now one of the few newsies that knew I was a girl. He was an energetic little guy, and full of fire. He was like a little brother to me.

"Heya buddy!" I scoop Les up, "'Ow ya doin'? 'Elpin' Jackie boy wid da strike?"

"Oh yes!" He said, "I even went to visit Emerson da odder day."

I pulled his cap over his eyes, "Good job." Whenever I couldn't visit Emerson, I sent another newsie to. However, when Emmie met Les, they immediately hit it off and became best buddies.

"And 'ow is your boyfriend doin'?" I asked Les.

He blushed and shoved away from me, "It's not like dat." He mumbled. I started cracking up.

I turned back to Spot, Jack, and Davey. "You're really good with him." Davey smiled.

"Eh." I shrugged, "I'se had ta deal wid Emmie my 'ole life."

"So!" I slung an arm over Spot and Jack, the former slinging an arm around my waist, "'Ow we feelin' 'bout Pulitzer?"

"'E betta gives us what we's wants, odder wise we's not lettin' go." Jack said.

"What deal we're gonna make wid 'im?" I asked hesitantly.

"Whateva he wants. Odder dan da prices stayin' da same." Spot said.

"Great." I said, "I'se just gonna wait on da roof 'till it's over."

"Why?" Spot tightened his arm around my waist.

I looked over at him, "I'se don't need 'im knowin' I'm a goil."

"'E won't know!" Spot argued, "Davey didn' know 'til yous showed 'im, and 'e's da smart one!"

"Thanks?" Davey asked, "Was that a compliment?"

"Spot." My jaw clenched, "I'm gonna go now."

Spot grunted, but let his arm fall from my waist. I turned to disappear into the crowd, when the doors to Pulitzer's office banged open, and out strode Pulitzer himself.

"Shit." I swore and pulled my cap down low. I ducked a little bit behind Spot.

I peeked out from behind Spot to see the rest of the newsies silent and Pulitzer looking over us all. As if he was searching for something. Thank the Lord I had Emerson stay at the lodging house today.

"Newsies of New York!" Pulitzer called out, "It has come to my attention that you are unsatisfied with the new price raise. I am here today to discuss this. Who is the one that would like to stand before me and tell me what they would like me to do better?"

Everyone was silent for a second before Jack stepped forward, "Me." He said.

"And me." Spot stepped up next to him, leaving me uncovered.

I felt Pulitzer's eyes land on me and burn into my skin, "And what about you, young lad? Do you dare to step forth against me?"

"Of course I do." I said, stepping up next to Spot. I raised my head a little to look Pulitzer in the eyes.

I saw a look of recognition and confusion flash before them, but he was smart enough not to say anything until he was certain.

"And what are your terms, Jack?" Pulitzer asked.

"You lower da prices." Jack said and a chorus of shouts followed him.

"And what will you give me in return?"

Jack paused. He hadn't thought this far ahead, "What do ya want?" He asked, still trying to appear tough.

Pulitzer smirked, "My children."


"What?" Jack said, "What's do ya mean? We don't got your kids!"

"Oh, but you do." Pulitzer stepped into the crowd of newsies, none of us moving an inch. "Let me tell you a story. As you know, I have seven children. Kathrine, Herbert, Edith, Lucille, Constance, Ralph.... and Y/n." I felt Spot tense up beside me. I lowered my gaze. 

"At a young age," Pulitzer continued, "Ralph and Y/n ran away from home. It was devastating, and we searched everywhere for them. But, we never found them. Until, I got a tip that Ralph had changed his name and was lording over the Bronx newsies. I was relived that we'd found him, and proud that he was commanding a battalion of newsies- especially one as big as the Bronx! I understood why we couldn't find him for the longest of time now. He had changed his name so that no one would recognize him. It made sense as he was the most well known of my children, and my eldest son. But... we still hadn't found Y/n. Then, someone saw a lone newsie sneak into the Bronx lodging house. A newsie..." Pulitzer came up behind me and leaned over me. I closed my eyes as a shiver went down my spine. 

"A newsie," Pulitzer repeated, "By the name of Nickels." 

He took my cap off my head and my hair fell down over my shoulders. He grabbed my arm and dragged me in front of the rest of the newsies. 

"Meet my daughter, Y/n!" 

Nickels (Spot Conlon x reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now