AC Protags but Aesthetic

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A/N: Feel free to tag yourself as one of them if you'd like to! This really was just a bit of fun to get a taste of the characters again since I hardly ever update this thing x

αltαır: sunsets, discussing philosophy, dog-eared pages, polaroid photos, long coats, antiques, chess pieces, international travel, the smell of spices, museum trips, rabbits, unfinished essays, messy desks, gold leaf accents

𝑒𝑧𝑖𝑜: hour-long cuddles, flirty winks, passionate kisses, red wine, neon lights, rose petals, leather jackets, the scent of aftershave and cologne, ripped jeans, family photos, comfort foods, late-night bowling, smirking, pouting, singing in the shower, maths whizz

𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐫: daisy chains, daydreams, shy glances, sparkly eyes, overflowing journals, summer breezes, flowers blooming out of footpaths, smell of pine needles, jaw kisses, lake swimming, bumblebees, diy, sitting backwards on chairs, acoustic guitars, holding hands

𝖽𝖾𝗌𝗆𝗈𝗇𝖽: smoke clouds, late nights, chip crumbs, forehead kisses, binge-watching shows, sunglasses, trips to maccas at 3am, inside jokes, anime, fps games, long phone calls, energy drinks, making memes, skipping class, drum kits, cheeky winks

𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮: coconut shampoo, rose quartz, hair clips, yoga, cheek kisses, sweet smiles, glittery stationery, joyful hugs, big heart and big mind, flared jeans, off-the-shoulder tops, adorable sneezes, butterflies, floral doodles, retail therapy, potted plants, tote bags, iced tea, violins

ᴀʀɴᴏ﹕ lukewarm coffee, tired eyes, oversized hoodies, nose kisses, lazy days, giant paragraph texts, midnight thoughts, loose change, card games, overcast skies, snarky jokes, hopeless romantic, soft love songs

jαcσв: grass stains, bright smiles, dirt under fingernails, cracked phone screen, cluttered spaces, loud laughs, worn sneakers, tattered theatre scripts, bruised knuckles, team spirit, sports games, dumb questions, electric guitars, ridiculous photos

𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚎: scented candles, vanilla lip balm, crocheted blankets, peppermint tea, rainy days, old books, conspiracy theories, genuine smiles, ghost hunting, quoting poets, blazers and blouses, comfortable sweaters, foggy glasses, sugary treats, cats, political debates, origami, trips to the library, money saver, undeniable road rage, pianos, pressed flowers, written reminders on hands

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