Music They Vibe to // preference

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Altaïr - he doesn't. He hates everything that everyone else plays and chose to no longer have a taste in music. He grumbles to all modern music and groans every time he hears a song older than him. It's probably fair though, because Ezio blasting his music could put you off the stuff for life. The only songs Altaïr will sit through and not complain about are classical songs where there are no lyrics whatsoever. But he won't listen to the stuff on a daily basis.

Ezio - anything you've never heard of. Ezio's music taste is absolutely awful. You don't know any of the artists he plays to you or what the meaning of the songs are. They're so weird that you've just stayed away from asking him for recommendations. You've given him better songs in return, which he's added to his playlist, but he blasts his horrible music all the time. You have to steal the speaker from him a lot, just to play some better songs. Maybe next time tell him to keep his horrible music to his Airpods.

Connor - stuff his parents used to listen to as kids. Connor loves the classic, most iconic songs of all time. There's no other way he'd have it. His parents no doubt appreciate his style, though they heavily influenced it from the beginning. It gives Connor the nostalgia for a life he never really had, when times were less advanced, more laidback. The only time when he will listen to something different (on his own accord, obviously) is when he's needing to focus, especially on his sketching. But he never misses out on a classic.

Desmond - rap or dance music. He needs something to hype himself up. Desmond has all the chill vibes, but his selection of music is the complete opposite. He loves Avicii and Eminem especially, no matter what anyone says. He has the conviction that they hold 'true talent' and he will not accept any opposing views. These songs apparently help him to set his mind on what he's doing, to hone in on whatever it is he's trying to multitask.

Aveline - vibes to both Arno and Jacob's taste in music. Aveline's taste is like the popular radio station's. She has the perfect balance between slightly older and the newest music to hit the charts. You'll see her subtly dancing and humming along to their tunes, as if stained in her memory. She does have some class though, since she does play the piano in class and in her spare time.

Arno - throwback tracks. He loves them, anything from the early 2000s. Whether it be Justin Timberlake, Pussycat Dolls, Avril Lavigne, Jason Derulo, Beyonce, Britney Spears; you name it, he has it. He's a little ashamed of it, but once he warms up, he'll sing along like no one's listening. And by god does he belt out these songs with a burning passion in his heart.

Jacob - anything mainstream. He plays all the newest songs from the year and even will make parodies out of them for fun. He will sing and dance along to all these songs at full volume, and it's entertaining for literally anyone watching him. He takes the 'dance like nobody's watching' thing to a whole new level and it leaves everyone in hysterical laughter. But be warned, he has a new favourite song almost every day of the week...

Evie - badass female anthems. Evie is a pop-rock kind of girl, requiring a song with lyrics she can relate to. Her taste is in spite of her brother's, wanting to drown out all the auto-tune with some 'quality music' as she'd so often say. She is actually picky with the songs she puts on her playlist, but she knows what's good and what is trash.

A/N: And another one down! I'm trying my best to get another one shot out soon, but work, drama club, a couple year 10 exams and the chaotic mess of my school stories (which includes a twisted fairy tale and an Assassin's Creed 3 thing, which - either or - I'm going to be assessed on) are really kicking my arse. Anyway, I'm putting the effort in to finish some of these in my days off and hopefully the holidays will help me get some more writing done. Love,

~ bee x

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