Party Episode // Two Sides

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A/N: I took the translations from the book Renaissance by Oliver Bowden, so please don't get on my case if it's wrong (I'm not smart okay). I finally finished this one so I can try and write one for Arno's birthday in a few days, hopefully I can get it out soon. So you remember the reference Alty made in the last episode? Yeah, so most of the one shots will revolve around this chapter, just to let you know. Once I've done enough, I might re-order them so there's a timeline that makes sense. But for now, enjoy x

Edit: Alright, since the change of (y/n) to ____, I've had a bit of trouble with the whole space for your surname thing. To replace the whole (y/n) (l/n) dilemma, the blank space: ____ is indicating your first name. And the same thing but in brackets indicate your last name. Got it? That's how it'll be from now on. Love xx

"Con', remind me why I'm here again? I can't see anything. Everyone is shit-faced drunk and this music is absolute shit. By the way, it's loud," you whined to your best friend Connor, whose tall frame was leaning against a wall casually, undeterred by the noise of his surroundings and the grizzling coming from you. A large hand patted your shoulder, attempting to reassure you. The warmth was comforting, the words, not so much.

"You are here because you need a distraction from the stress of studying. You need time away from it, especially after your breakup with Altaïr. I am merely here for moral and emotional support, ____. I hoped going to this party would improve your mood, I suppose I was quick to assume." Connor bowed his head down to yours, his singular traditional braid swaying back and forth with the readjustment. He pulled your body into his stocky one, hugging you to shelter your ears from the music you so despised. You inhaled the scent from his cobalt blue hoodie, the unique but clean smell relieving you temporarily of your anxieties. You loved how to the point he was when he spoke. You loved how he always took your side and covered your six when you needed it most. You couldn't have asked for more in a friend. Your breakup with Altaïr was... problematic, but Connor stuck it out and continued to help you get over the novice that broke your trust and your heart. If anything you owed him, yet what he'd done for you was way more than anything you could repay.

"I mean, I guess you're right though. I'm not too keen on mingling so I'm gonna stay with you. I'd rather not get drunk as hell and have a serious hangover tomorrow morning. If anything, I need water to get rid of this headache. Jeez, this music sucks ass. Who even put together this playlist?" Connor interrupted your quiet ramblings with a suggestion.

"I could go get you some water, if you would like, ____?" You smiled into the soft fabric of Connor's hoodie, so helpful.

"You can if you want. I'm not going anywhere, so I won't disappear anytime soon." The kindness he showed you was beyond belief. You guessed it was the way he grew up in his house, the polite behaviour and helpful gestures. Teachings you estimated came from his parents. He unwrapped himself from your grasp and drifted off to hunt for a bottle of water for you.

You couldn't resist feeling sorry for the boy sometimes. When it came to his family, he almost never caught a break. He was always on a need-to-know basis with them — who's on the phone with him, who he is studying with, what classes he has each day. It was ridiculous in your opinion, as his father, Haytham Kenway, was a well-known C.E.O of a major technology corporation in the city. Not a lot got past that man, you knew for sure, as if he somehow had time on his hands to be concerned for his son's education and celebrate his academic achievements. He had intelligence and perception beyond imagination, and at times, it was frightening. Worse, Connor had to receive impressive grades whether he liked it or not. Settling for second best was foreign territory, a restricted area where you'd be gunned down at the sight of a mere 'pass' on a test. What was perceived as being a 'teacher's pet' by students, was simply retaining a family reputation of proving their excellence-grade intellect. A tough burden to carry, and for that, you pitied him.

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