In Quarantine // preference

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A/N: Found myself back in lockdown again and to distract myself, I made this. If this topic affects you in any offensive or harmful way, this is just an advisory, maybe to give this little thing a miss. I love and care for you all, and I'd never put something in my work to offend or trigger you intentionally. Worse, including topics without any kind of warning. Anyway, here is another preference because I feel like I owe something to this book x

αltαır: didn't bother to attend the class calls. He enjoys working at his own pace because no one can monitor him. Probably is doing his own irrelevant studies instead. He enjoys the peace and time alone. He doesn't miss the group one bit, which is awfully sour of him. Whilst in quarantine, he's researching the virus whenever something new pops up. He got curious and found himself becoming a expert on the topic.

𝑒𝑧𝑖𝑜: shows up to calls with his camera on, but his microphone off, so it looks like he's miming everything. He does the minimal amount of work and then sits there on the call, waving at whoever else had the confidence to turn their camera too. He misses everyone and tries to organise a time to video call the group privately so you all can catch up.

𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐫: is loving quarantine for the most part. He can stay in his room all day, get some of his other projects done, while getting all his schoolwork completed. The only downside he sees is being trapped with his family around the clock and it drives him up a wall. Also how he can't go outside past his street.

𝖽𝖾𝗌𝗆𝗈𝗇𝖽: forgot to show up to online classes in the first place. He was busy sleeping or playing video games instead. He really just sees it as another holiday where he doesn't have to leave the house. He doesn't take the situation seriously, apart from remaining indoors.

𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮: despises lockdown with every inch of her being. Removing the social opportunities in her life has thrown her out of routine. Changing everything to online classes, sessions and seminars have frustrated her to no end. She's just waiting until it is all over so she can feel more human again, because her main concern is talking to a bunch of screens and icons that aren't truly tuned into what's she wants to say.

ᴀʀɴᴏ﹕ turns off his camera and his mic during virtual classes. Never unmutes for anything and writes in the chat at most. Really just there to be marked present for class. Probably chugging coffee behind the camera, trying to stay alive during the uncertain times. Funnily enough, he misses everyone. He both loves and hates the lack of freedom. He misses not being able to see his friends but gets over it pretty quickly, knowing that Élise is stuck quarantined with him. He also feels the need to update everyone else about the newest case numbers and how much closer they are to being liberated from their homes.

jαcσв: is the clown of the call, fiddling around with the virtual backgrounds and he always has his mic and camera on. He constantly interrupts his own - or Evie's - meetings. Replies the most to the teacher even if it isn't on track with the actual conversation. Multitasking doing something else as well as being on the video call, entertaining everyone else.

𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚎: actively participates in the school's switch to digital learning. Secretly, she adores it. No need for the bustle in the halls, seeing people she detests, having to haul heavy textbooks back and forth. Like the majority, she turns up with her microphone and camera off, but will turn the mic on to answer various questions or even ask some herself. She's adapted to this change a lot better than some of the others but her one problem lies with Jacob Frye, her menace of a brother.

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