Part 29

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Nibbles' head was spinning. Her right shoulder throbbed and pain streaked down her leg and up through her back. She tried to ignore the feelings inside as she leaned on her father. Jake had accomplished his goal. He had gotten the freedom he wanted.

Using all of her strength, Nibbles moved to stand next to Jake. She looked up at him and saw the peace in his eyes. Nibbles understood him a little better. He had been a wayward colt all his life, but now he was respected in a herd where both sides were accepting of any colour.

Night Singer flung his forelock. "You can't expect us all to go along with this as if nothing happened!"

Maces Pride appeared and snorted loudly. Everyone was gathered. "I'm with Jake no matter what, and if you want to hurt him in any way, I'm here to stop you!"

"The same goes for me," Buckskin announced.

Allyoop moved closer. "I've been in the middle since the day I was born. I'm quite happy with this new arrangement."

Blaze rose and pawed the air with his hooves. "My herd may end up staying here!"

Night Singer snorted heavily. "Are you serious? Isn't there anyone against this?"

Not one voice rose. All of the horses were in agreement with their situation, and it brought Nibbles great joy. It would be easier for them to come together if they were all on the same page.

Night Singer stomped a hoof. "Come on then," he shouted at his stallions.

The horses obediently followed their herd leader. They disappeared through the southern forest, back where they had come from.

Nibbles realized that she was no longer in any danger. She had more than enough horses around her who were capable of protecting her. One of them was warming her side. With a contented smile, she allowed her body to collapse and she fell unconscious.

Her eyes fluttered open inside of the White cave. She stared into Song's eyes. The Clydesdale quickly backed up in surprise.

"She's awake!" Flower said.

Many of the mares approached her. Out of all the faces, she noticed that Raven was also among the concerned.

"I'm sorry to have worried you all," Nibbles said as she staggered to her hooves.

Everyone shook their heads. Cheyenne gave a brilliant smile. "I don't think anyone minded. You were one of the horses who brought us all together!"

Nibbles put weight on her front leg. It was not as painful as before. Her ears went back. She knew instantly that she had been out for more than a few hours.

As the white mare approached the cave exit, Jake's silhouette captured her full attention. She moved towards him as he waited for her.

"How are you feeling?" Jake asked.

"How long have I been unconscious?"

"Answer my question first," he said softly.

Nibbles snorted and lowered her gaze. "I won't be fighting any time soon."

Jake perked his ears in her direction. "You've been sleeping for two days. Allyoop is waiting for you in the fields. We've been keeping watch together."

A smile lifted Nibbles' spirits. They were already getting along famously. As she headed out, she noticed Jacob and Gloria laughing with one another. Nibbles guessed that she would no longer have to worry about him.

Allyoop came in off of the field with his tail swishing. The moment he laid eyes on Nibbles, he lit up. He sped to her side with ears cupped towards her.

"A broken shoulder and many other little injuries has you unconscious for two days! You were way too reckless!"

Nibbles grinned at her brother. "You are one of my rescuers!"

Allyoop lifted his head and puffed out his chest. "Yes, I suppose your training helped me in the long run."

Jake cleared his throat beside them. "The leaders also wanted to see you when you woke up."

Nibbles did not like the sound of that. She followed the stallions across the valley to a new place where they were building a new cave for the leaders. Sparkle, Willow, Nikeo, Sunflower, Blaze and Midnight were gathered nearby.

"It's good to see you're all right, my dear," Sparkle said softly. "We wanted to speak to you about our new herd arrangements. We understand that you and Jake have created somewhat of a bond."

Nibbles flattened her ears. "It is recent, I assure you!"

Jake gave her a scolding flip of his ears. His expression softened as he leaned into her. "As soon as you are better, would you like to roam the range with me?"

Her heart nearly stopped. She glanced at Allyoop and then her father. Both of them nodded their approval.

"It's only for a little while. We need to notify a few herds of our situation. The war is over here, and those who wish to, can come join us!" Blaze explained.

Cocking her head to the side, Nibbles inspected Jake. She could read more questions in his eyes, and her heart skipped a beat. She gave a soft snort. "You're going to ask me something else, aren't you?"

Jake looked up at the leaders. "I told you that she was observant!"

The rays if sunshine trickled down onto the horses. Nibbles felt as if her heart could fly with the birds as the sparrows fluttered overhead, chirping melodiously.

"You have taught me much since the day I met you, and I want to continue learning your ways." Jake's eyes were filled with emotion. "Will you, Nibbles, be my Mare?"

It was a joy Nibbles could not remember seeing before. He lowered his head. She glanced up at her father, who was beaming down at her proudly. Her brother did not seem to have a hint of concern. Nibbles had to search her own heart. This was certainly sudden.

Nibbles set her ears back. "I always said that I would never have a Stallion!"

Everyone gasped. Allyoop nearly choked on her other side.

"I think I can tolerate you, though!" Nibbles said.

Sighs of relief filled her ears. Nibbles laughed at them. She could not believe that she had somehow managed to fall in love with such a strong horse.

Raven approached from the left with her head down in a sign of respect. Nibbles wondered what she wanted, but then she noticed Jake tense up beside her.

"I have only one thing to say," Raven said. A smile lifted her expression. "I am to be Syrup's Mare!"

Sunflower moved forward with rage. "You're going to be united with one of them?"

A sorrel stallion stepped forward. His pure white mane and tail glistened as he slipped beside Raven. They exchanged gleeful smiles.

Nibbles could not help but laugh. She looked up at her own soon to be Stallion. They would protect each other from anything no matter where they went or who they met, and it was all because she had met her father on that fateful day as a Free Runner.

"Well, Nibbles, now you have a home and a herd who loves you," Jake said.

Nibbles looked up at him and sent her ears flicking forward. "Now who's reading who?"

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