Part 3

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Nibbles stood dumbfounded as she saw her sire streak into the wind. There were horses up ahead and they appeared to be overjoyed to see him. He nuzzled each one with special care and dedication. She had never seen a horse, let alone a lead stallion, show that much affection towards his herd, no matter what colour they were.

The moment quickly ended when Blaze put his herd in their proper place and sent the lighter coloured horses to the edge of the group. They raised their heads in question but obediently slipped to the edge of the circle.

Nibbles watched in awe before she noticed one of the other stallions lift his nose into the wind. Nibbles froze for a moment, praying she would not be discovered, but her ideals were thwarted. They locked onto her immediately.

There was no other horse as swift as she was on the rocks, and so that is where she headed. She took off into the distance as Blaze lazily led his heard after her in a mock chase. She easily evaded their detection after a moment of racing through the desert of shale.

Nibbles remained close to the other horses for the rest of the week. She carefully watched the way things were done until she was sure she would have been able to slip in among them. After a time she began to perfect her stealth and was able to move closer and closer to her father's herd.

"We have no idea when we may have to go out into battle again. Those Whites have had at least a month to scheme against us," one of the older deep brown mares stated.

Nibbles' ears perked forward with interest as her chin lifted. They were speaking of the other colour; her colour! Her heart began to beat faster. She had to listen in.

"Apparently, closer to the border, the herd of Sparkle and Willow are gaining as many new members as possible, including Brownies!" One horse explained.

Blaze came up beside them. "How did you come into such information?" He demanded.

The horse lowered her head and sighed. "There was another horse here in your absence that came through. He was a black stallion named Jake. He is from Midnight's herd. He was exceptionally strong!"

Blaze's head rose in surprise. "Jake Black! Do you not know who he is? He is Midnight's son and a true leader in the ranks! I have heard that he is stronger than any other horse!"

Nibbles listened closely. Her ears were fully cupped forward now and ready to hear more, but there was nothing. The herd began to move on in silence.

A cold chill ran along the wind and went like a spider down Nibbles' spine as she followed. Even in the hot summer, a cool night was bound to be presented.

That night, Blaze finally came to visit her, and Nibbles already knew what he had to say. She stood with her head gently bowed as if she were in a real heard.

"My dear, sweet filly, it is time for you to once again strike off on your own. I have watched you grow in this last week and it has been more rewarding than you will ever know! Go east and find Sparkle. You will have plenty of action there, and there have been reports of her giving refuge to all kinds of horses. If your brother is still alive, he will be there!"

Nibbles could only nod her head in response. She had been on her own for so long that she forgot what having a family was like, and it made her want to stamp her hoof mightily into the dust and refuse to leave.

"Thank you for loving me and teaching me," Nibbles finally stammered.

Blaze stretched out his neck and slung it over his daughter's shoulder. He squeezed her tight with his muzzle and Nibbles caught herself doing the same. She was so thankful that he had found her that day.

Everything was uncertain in that moment. Nibbles was not sure if she was prepared enough to go out among her own colour. She barely understood the differences as they were, but from following her father's band, she was aware that she had no problem shadowing other horses. She could watch the mighty Sparkle in action before she made a definitive decision.

"Take care, young one!" Blaze offered as he finally turned his haunches and began to trot off into the wind.

After all the time she had spent in pursuit of her father, Nibbles had come to have great respect for him. Her head was lowered in reverence and she had no intentions of forgetting a precious word he nickered.

Her own peach hooves danced on the cool ground filled with sparse grass. Nibbles trotted cautiously through the dense forest and across the acres of land to hopefully reach her new home.

Having a permanent residence was a thought that Nibbles had never entertained before. She silently imagined a family of her own before she realized what a mistake it was. Belonging to a herd meant rules and regulations. There was no way she could truly be content, even if she did happen upon her brother, Allyoop.

Her brother was another matter to think of entirely. A horse sometimes changed in colour, but Nibbles could hardly recall what he looked like. He was older than her to be sure, but the only thing she could remember about him was his large, understanding brown eyes. Beyond that, Allyoop was a mystery.

Night was falling fast and it soon became clear to Nibbles how far she had traipsed. Blaze had given her directions to the border, which Nibbles was following explicitly, but she had no inclination if how long it would take to get there. She wondered if there was an actual line carved into the sand or something.

A large cedar tree was resting in the humid shade of a cliff. Nibbles decided that it would do nicely as a shelter for the night, and cautiously laid down. Her ears were cupped forward all night long, but it was good to rest her weary body. The work would continue in the morning.

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