Part 17

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The wind slapped Maces' hair against Nibbles' face. She closed her eyes and wished the whole thing was not happening. He had completely taken advantage of her injured leg as if he knew it was there the entire time, and then he scooped her up.

There was no turning back. She was captured, and there was nothing she could do about it. She was in far too much pain to move, let alone fight back.

All of the stallions were busy battling each other. She was not there to protect her brother, and it broke her heart. She watched as the horses grew smaller on the battlefield. It was as if Nibbles had betrayed them somehow.

Maces continued to plough forward with great strength. Nibbles was a smaller mare, but she weighed quite a bit. She snorted loudly and demanded that she be released, but as before, Maces continued forward.

The Black valley was looming closer. The field blurred underneath as new scents washed over Nibbles. The Blacks obviously had more horses. The air held more pressure and dampness than across the border.

Nibbles continually played over the moment when Jake had led her home. He had been kind only to learn her weaknesses. She blew out a sigh. She hoped that Allyoop was not suffering because of her foolishness.

Large eyes and dark ears were aimed in the White's direction. Nibbles inspected the faces as they drew closer. The mares all seemed strong. The young foals held playful expressions.

All of them leaned forward and pushed to get a good look at Nibbles. She shrank back for a moment, unsure of what would happen to her. She set a defiant glare within her eyes and waited patiently for Maces Pride to throw her into a fence of thorns.

Each mare gaped openly as if Nibbles was an alien. A bold tall dark mare stepped forward with confidence. She was beautiful, but Nibbles could easily pick up on her spoiled attitude.

"You are the mare who went up against Jake?" The dark mare tossed her mane and snorted.

Nibbles remained silent. She had no reply to give. Her wary eyes returned to Maces, who was stalking outside of the fence. With her penned up and in pain, she was in a great deal of danger.

"Jake is the one who came up with this plan, and it was brilliant!" the dark mare continued.

"Raven, leave her be," Maces warned.

The mare shot him an unwavering scowl, but another Clydesdale mare stomped a hoof with irritation. Raven wheeled on her haunches and stalked off into the caves.

A hot breeze cascaded down the mountainside and brushed across Nibbles' hide. She shivered lightly and lifted her leg to ease the pain.

"Would you like some water?" the Clydesdale mare asked softly. "It seems that you were treated roughly." She hurled a frown at Maces. The stallion merely swished his tail.

Nibbles refused to show any weakness. She could not afford to do so in enemy territory. She had to be strong for the others.

Song smiled warmly and set off to collect a pail of liquid. She returned quickly and got Maces to aid her in setting it at Nibbles' side. Maces left quickly, but the mare lingered for a minute.

"I can't imagine what kind of a past you hold that would force you to fight, but you can relax here," she offered gently.

Nibbles lowered her head only a hair. Her voice dropped to an inaudible whisper. "Thank-you."

Song turned without a word. She was careful to ensure none of the others had overheard their conversation. Nibbles stared after the large horse. She had the most gracious heart Nibbles had ever encountered.

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