Part 2

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Blaze moved his heavy head and nudged Nibbles' shoulder, forcing her to step sideways. She glared at him, her eyes shining her warning. Now what did he want; to bring up more painful memories?

"We are still here, and I think that a herd would do you some good. If you don't like it, you can always go back to being a Free Runner, but in the meantime, I will train you!"

Nibbles could not help but tilt her head with curiosity, a personality trait that she possessed since she was a foal. She and her father would train, though Nibbles was unsure of the implications. She weighed her options.  She could train with her father and embrace his given wisdom, or continue in her lonely freedom.

"Where do we start?" Nibbles asked.

Blaze rose up on his hind legs and pawed at the air with a whinny. He was surely a great stallion with a Black herd to tend to and yet he was before his White daughter, truly excited to instruct her in his ways.

"The first thing you have to do is learn body language. When a horse comes before a leader, they bow their heads low, prick their ears to the side and make sure you do not turn your back on them! That is the highest offence!" Blaze explained

Nibbles obediently dipped her head in a gracious manner. She was careful to keep her body square to her father as she twitched her ears part way back, still attentive yet respectful.

Blaze tipped his head delicately to one side and seemed to consider his daughter's appearance. "When a horse is truly upset with you, they will bare their teeth and flatten their ears. My dear Nibbles, you must take care to think like a White. They will automatically accept you because of your coat, but you must not give them any reason to doubt your colour!"

"Father, how do you know how a White thinks if you are a Black?" Nibbles asked cautiously, her voice low and somber.

Blaze lowered his ears with melancholy. "Your mother was a White, and it was forbidden for us to be together. She was as sweet as honey, good with words, beautiful, and she could run! She was the fastest horse in the land and I am sure she gave you those traits. It's a miracle she found me alone in the forest and took the time to speak with me like I was an actual horse, and not only an enemy Black. I respected her for that. Everyone respected her for that!"

Nibbles had known her mother for only a short time, but her heart was thirsty to know more. She thought deeply about her father's words. He seemed to be wise in the eyes of other horses, and in that moment she vowed to train her hardest and learn all there was to know about both sides.

Blaze scanned the horizon after giving his filly more tips. They laughed together in the sinking sunlight until darkness fell upon them completely.

The two moved softly along the plains over the hills and found a safe cleft in the rocks where both of them would reside for the night.

Nibbles half wanted to stay up and soak in the wisdom of her father, but she knew as well as anyone that a tired horse was more likely to fall prey to other animals, as Nibbles had found out earlier that day with the cougar. She sighed heavily, her eyes beginning to droop. What would tomorrow bring? She could hardly contain herself as the night stars twinkled overhead. They glistened gently as her mind finally fell prey to exhaustion. Before she knew it, she was fast asleep by her father's side.

There was no horse as willing to train as Nibbles was. She had her ears flat back in determination as her hooves struck the ground with deadly precision and strength. She rose her head and gazed over at her huge father, a seasoned war stallion with many battles under his belt. He mirrored her image as they bolted straight towards one another.

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