Part 7

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"She can't be trusted! She's a Brownie!" Allyoop warned.

Nibbles turned to her brother. "You're one to talk," she whispered back. She inspected the plain mare before her. "How long have you been watching?"

Chocolate tipped her ears forward. "I only arrived this morning. I had overheard someone at another herd saying that Sparkle's group was the kindest out of all the Whites!"

"That is true, yes, but in order to actually join the herd, you have to be trustworthy," Allyoop said seriously.

Chocolate nodded her head. "I am trustworthy, I promise!"

"Let's take you to our leaders then," Allyoop suggested.

The three of them meandered into the heart of the caves and moved to stand before the White leaders. Jacob was soon standing next to them with his ears back in annoyance. There was nothing he hated more than a horse who was not a pure white, and his actions revealed this when he refused to go on the mission.

Nibbles flattened her ears back at the stallion but held her tongue. Sparkle was a sensible mare and a fair leader. She would ensure that Chocolate was properly cared for.

"Nibbles seems to vouch for you in your earnest intentions," Sparkle advised.

Chocolate's head swung in the white mare's direction. Jacob snorted loudly.

"I wish to become part of your herd!"

Willow nodded and blinked. "We understand that, dear, but you must realize that it is not that simple. You must prove your allegiance to us as you have never been part of a herd before."

"Nibbles is new to our herd as well," another voice reprimanded.

Everyone's gaze turned to Sham. Silence plagued the room. Nibbles knew that the comment was not meant to be an insult, but it was the truth. Even though her colour was white, Sham looked past that to the heart. She admired that about him.

"How about we set up a probationary period where you are to be accompanied by another White for a week," Sparkle suggested.

Nibbles thought this a fair deal, as did Chocolate, who was nodding eagerly. Jacob shifted his weight but seemed to relax. Sham, along with the leaders, were satisfied with Chocolate's reaction.

"Who will watch me?" Chocolate asked.

"Flower and I will!" Nibbles offered. "Perhaps the other mares will want to spend some time with you too!"

"Be sure to ask them first," Sparkle stated. "Heartia will make sure Chocolate finds a job. You should consider taking up a chore as well if you wish to stay here longer."

Nibbles bowed deeply and turned on her haunches to leave the lit cave. As she went, Jacob slid beside her and drew her away from the other horses.

"I have no doubt that you can be trusted, Nibbles, but I am concerned that Chocolate might bring you harm. Please be careful!"

The white mare flipped her mane and tried desperately not to lose her cool. "Thank you for your concern. I am sure I will not have any trouble," she replied.

Jacob nodded his head softly. "If you have any problems, let me know!"

Nibbles took note of his words and brushed past him with a nod of her head. She continued on until Chocolate was glued to her side.

Allyoop moved closer as well. "I had not expected Jacob to be there. He was supposed to be leaving!"

Nibbles pivoted to inspect the entrance to the valley. Jacob, Phantom, and a black and white paint named Alloon took off towards the Black side to do a little spy work. She hoped that they would be all right.

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