Part 15

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As usual, Nibbles was up and ready with the sun. She and Allyoop went out and finished their training. She was thankful that it had gone much smoother than the first time. Working with Jacob had improved her own skills of teaching tremendously.

Nibbles was out and about with Flower on the mountain. It was good to kick back and forget about her troubles. She was thankful to have a friend who stood beside her. Nibbles had never known friendship until she had gotten to Sparkle's herd, and now she was almost sorry that she had not travelled sooner.

"Did you get to talk to Allyoop about your mother this morning?" Flower questioned softly.

Nibbles nodded. "We talked a little bit. I think we both agree that our mother's memory is important to us. Although I am curious, I will leave the stories alone. Sparkle and Willow both offered to speak with me privately, but I declined for the time being."

The two mares headed further up the mountain. Flower was falling behind with every minute that passed. Nibbles sighed deeply and halted. She inspected the tops of the trees around them. The blue in the background was amazing. There was not a cloud in the sky, and it gave her joy.

"How did Allyoop's training go? It has been two days, right?" Flower asked once she caught up.

A smile lit Nibbles' face. She swung her head around to face her friend. "My brother is so much stronger than they give him credit for. The rest of the stallions neglected to encourage him and so he has no confidence in himself. I have a huge job ahead of me. Teaching him how to fight is one thing, but giving him the confidence will take a little longer," she admitted.

Flower nodded with understanding. "If anyone can do it, you can!" She paused for a moment. Her face became serious as she added, "When are you going to meet with Jacob?"

Nibbles stopped and turned. She headed out over her hidden cliff and inspected the landscape ahead of them. The battle field was empty, and the Blacks were on the other side.

"It will be at least another few hours. I am waiting for Jacob to call for me."

Flower giggled softly and allowed her eyes to wander over the landscape. Nibbles sucked in a deep breath and gazed over at Flower. It appeared that the palomino did not grow tired of her company.

"You're a mare after my own heart." Nibbles laughed.

Flower smiled pleasantly. "I'm blessed to have you as a friend! I would never do such crazy things if you were not here!"

Both mares fixed their eyes on a growing cloud of dust in the distance. At first Nibbles was concerned that the Blacks were making an attack, but she soon realized that Sham and the food raiding party were thundering home.

A black figure streamed out of the Black valley with ears flat back. Nibbles could tell immediately that it was Jake. She glanced over at Flower. The palomino rolled her eyes as if she already knew what was about to take place.

Nibbles set her ears forward and slammed down the mountainside with expert agility. She threw her weight down as fast as she could. Flower tentatively followed a ways behind.

The other stallions were unaware that Jake was looming over the White valley. She had to warn them and set up a defence as quickly as possible in order to protect Sham, Aloon and Phantom!

"Allyoop, Jake is perusing the raiding party! We have to stop him before someone gets hurt!"

The brown stallion immediately lifted his head and galloped headlong out to the field, calling everyone as he went.

Jacob flew out of the cave and fell into stride with Nibbles. "What's happening?"

Nibbles quickly explained the situation and flattened her ears. "He is not going to lay one hoof on our stallions!"

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