Chapter - 1

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Enjoy! I upload short chapters but I update everyday :)

{to people who read SMH, I'll upload that after this}

Also, picture of Ariana to da righttttt ----->

ik it seems unreal that the main character looks like a model but i love barbara palvin and yeah! ;3

Sorry if it's unrealistic! :/

~Shriya xxx


'Arianaaaaaa! Wake up, darling!' my mother's voice drifted up to my room.

I gave a grunt and muttered 'Five more minutes,'

There was silence and I was happy about finally getting my beauty sleep, but then my duvet was ripped off from me.

"Wake up, right now!" My beautiful mother screeched.

What a perfect way to be woken up. I feel so loved.

'ARIANA, NOW!' my mother shouted.

'Ugh,' I groaned, and raised my head and peeked at her. 'I'm up, women!'

'Great! Now, do your thing and meet me down for breakfast! Love you!' She gave me an angelic smile and left my room.

My mum was a devil.

I rolled off of my bed and walked up to my dresser.

It was my first day of school in United States and I wasn't that excited.

Or excited at all. I'm originally from Australia and I don't fit in here! I mean in Australia, you have a uniform in school and there's no PDA and the accent is different.

Over here, in this new 'public school' I'm going to; you have fights everyday, people are making out in the hallways, girl's skirts/shorts look more like belts and ugh. It's just stupid.

And to top it off, everyone fucking thinks that just because I'm Aussie, I ride Kangaroo's to school.


I shook my head and grabbed my 'All Time Low' band shirt, my black ripped skinny jeans and I was ready to go!

I quickly went and had a shower and when I was done, I grabbed a towel and dried myself.

I ran into my room, with only my towel covering me and quickly pulled on my bra, underwear and finally; clothes.

I combed my hair and left it out because it was wavy right now. I put on some mascara and lip gloss and I actually managed to look good!

I pursed my lips and put on some perfume.


I ran downstairs to see my mum had prepared bacon and eggs for me.

Oh how much I love her right now.

I quickly grabbed my plate and scarfed it down.

'Yummy!' I winked at her.

'Glad you liked it,' she smiled.

'Uh, who's dropping me to school? You know I don't have a car because you sold it when we were moving,'

'Oh the school is five minutes away! I'll buy you a new car when we settle down,' she spoke going back to working.

'Thanks, mum!' I shouted as I ran back upstairs to quickly brush my teeth.

It's not like we had a problem with money! No we were loaded! My parents just wanted me to live a normal life without being spoilt.

I spat out the paste and rinsed my mouth, while grabbing my book bag and running downstairs again. I grabbed my black flats and shouted, 'I'm going, ma!'

'Bye honey! You'll see the school, just keep going straight and make one right and you'll know where to go!'



I could help but feel nervous as I started making my way towards the school. It was so freaking different. Like holy crap.

I didn't know anyone! I was from across the sea! Everything was different. The only thing the students and I would have in common was that we were human.

I reached the school and saw kids leaning against their cars, bikes or whatever vehicle they had.

I took a deep breath and tried to walk gracefully (to make a good expression) to the school.

You know how the cliché thing happens? How everyone turns to stare at the new girl and all that bullshit?

Well, I was practically the center of attention.

Wolf whistles, compliments and mean comments were made and I walked to the school's doors.

I pushed them open as quick as I could and walked inside, wanting to be away from all the people.

I walked inside and saw only a couple of people scattered around. Mostly near their lockers. However they did raise their head to stair at me. Oh joy.

I walked around the school till I found a building called 'OFFICE' right next to the school.

Stupid me. I could've just walked to the office first. I ran outside the school and to the building.

There were people in the office, but only a few. I walked up to the receptionist and waited.

'Oh, hello dear! You must be the new student? Ariana McAdams?' She said, while smiling.

'Yes,' I murmured.

'Oh-kay, dear, here's is your schedule, your locker number,and the code to it, should be on it and there should be a map too!'

The receptionist had handed me 3 papers stapled together.

'What's the third one for?'

'Oh you just give that to your teacher to sign,' she smiled.

I thanked her and walked back into the school, looking at my schedule.

It was alright, could be worse.

As I was staring at the map, trying to locate where my locker was I heard a velvety voice.

'Move out of the way, nerd!'

Someone pushed me out of the way and I banged my head in the lockers. I looked at the person being responsible but all I saw was a muscled back walking away from me. Oh sweet mama.


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