Chapter - 4

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I really hope you guys forgive me :)

Also, this story HAS REACHED 1000 READS WHILE I WAS AWAY! AND ITS ABOUT TO REACH 1200? YOU'RE AMAZING! Plus, 16 votes on the last chapter? Wow. Thank you so freaking much for making this happen even if I did ditch you guys for THREE months.

I didn't expect this at all, you all are amazing.

Thank u and hope u enjoy this chapter, sorry for mistakes.




"How in the heavens do you know where my house is?" I asked.

"I have my sources," he smirked.

"Creepy ass bitch," I muttered to myself.

"Heard that," he chuckled.

"No, but seriously, how?"

"I saw you walking this morning and I thought you'd be going to our school as you were walking in that direct and because I'd never seen you before and I was right,"

"Oh," my mouth formed an "O" shape.

He nodded and as we reached the new street-still not used to saying that since all my life I've lived in my great-great grandmothers house my whole life in Australia- that I have moved to, I pointed to the house that had started to look somewhat familiar.

But guess what?

The damn jerk just drove past it.

Yep, he just drove PAST it.

I turned at him in my seat and glared.

"What?" he asked innocently knowing exactly what he did.

"You know what! I have to go home my house is back there!" I yelled at him.

He smirked, "Nah, let's do something fun,"


Okay, I may or may not be overreacting, if some of you were sitting here with him, you'd be fangirling because not going to deny it, he was hot. But hey, WE JUST MET.


"Chill, babe, I'm just taking you out to get some ice cream," he spoke, quietly.

With me? Who would've thought?

Just then, I noticed something peaking out from the sleeve of his shirt and I inspected it closely, Austin must've seen me looking because he smirked.

"Checkin' me out?"

"You wish. I am actually really curious about the black line under your sleeve," I inquired.

Austin parked by an unfamiliar place, well no shit, and killed the engine, unbuckling his seatbelt and turned to look at me before speaking.

"It's a tattoo, a mark," he said carefully - like he wasn't trying to expose too much.

"Oh, if it's okay, can I have a look?" I questioned.

He shrugged, "I don't see why not,"

Austin lifted his sleeve up to his shoulder and I saw the tattoo on full display.

I examined it, it was beautiful. I'm being completely honest. It was kind of like a dreamcatcher except not round and the waves spiraled outwards and not downwards. It started off as a shape of a triangle which had lots of intricate designs within and from the corners followed by tlines spiraling out and more detailed designs in-between the lines.

I looked up at him, "Does it have a meaning?"

Suddenly, he got out of the car and slammed the door shut making me jump.


I unbuckled my seatbelt and quickly opened my car door open and trailed behind him to whatever ice cream shop he was taking me too.

We came to stand by a nearby stand when he decided to speak,

"My mum used to bring me here when I was 7, after every day of school,"

I nodded, looking at the little stall. It was cute with little advertisements on boards for ice cream flavours hanging off it, at the sides. Plus, it also had little fairylights at the little cover up at the stall. We walked towards and Austin yelled, "SEWENSQUI," Austin yelled.

Out came running a man with ripped and dirty clothing and a huge smile, "Austin, long time no see, man!"

So, his mom and him stopped going to this stall?

Austin nodded and they did the "man-hug".

"What can I get you-" then his shifted to me.

"I-uh-" I stuttered.

"I'm so sorry for not noticing you, madam, I am Sewensqui, yourself?" Sewinsqui introduced holding out his hand.

"I'm, uh, Ariana, nice to meet you," I put my hand in his and we shook hands.

"Pleasure is all mine,"

"Girlfriend?" Sewensqui wiggled his eyebrows at Austin.

I blushed while Austin chuckled, "No way, she's a pain in the ass,"

"SAYS YOU," I exclaimed and they both laughed.

"Anyway, what can I get you two?"

"I'll pass," Austin turned to me, "You?

I frowned at him. "If you won't have any, I won't too,"

He groaned, "I'm honestly not in the mood for ice cream, just order,"

I scoffed, fine then. "I'll have the cookies and cream ice cream, please!"

Sewinsqui smiled gently and nodded. He got out a scopper and scooped out a pint of ice cream and handing it to me.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"It's on me, no need to pay," Sewinsqui smiled when Austin got out his wallet to pay.


"I'm older than you so be quiet and leave my stall," he said , shooing us away playfully.

We had just arrived at my house when Austin decided to speak, "I didn't mean to,"

"Um," I questioned.

"I didn't mean to walk off after you asked me the question,"

"Are you apologising?"

He snorted, "I don't apologise,"

I laughed while unbuckling my seatbelt and got out of his car. As I was walking to my porch, he called out behind me,

"I'm picking you up at 7 am tomorrow, be ready,"

Before I could even reply, he revved the engine of his oh-so beautiful car and drove off.


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