Chapter - 11

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why not write a new chapter instead of finishing my psychology homework am i right lol
p.s. in australia, mostly every school generally has 2 breaks/lunches, that's why ariana was so shocked.
also, what are your favourite books on wattpad? i need some recs. rip.
my #1 is most probably  i sold my soul to the devil for vinyls.


"Hey, you into netflix and chill?"

Ariana's face turned blank as she turned to look at a man smirking at her with no shame whatsoever. Honestly, the only thought registering in Ariana's mind was Is everyone so straightforward nowadays?

"I mean, I guess," She responds with an arched eyebrow. "I binge watched 4 Supernatural seasons and finished them all in two and a half days."

However, the man only passed her a weirded out look before he murmured a quiet "Oookay....." and honestly, he was gone in the blink of an eye.

To be quite honest, parties were just not for people like her. Ariana liked to stay at home and binge watch and eat (multitasking right there, you all) while being snuggled up in her bed with her kangaroo plushie to accompany her because hey, Australian pride.

This, however, was the complete opposite of what she was used to. She was in no way trying to be an innocent little girl because she was most definitely not but parties. . . girls with barely anything covering their bodies (not slut shaming at all because if you're into that then that's your choice but it just wasn't for Ariana) and boys who just get a kick out of seeing girls loose control of themselves. And to top it all off, both sexes getting completely trashed.

Like, seriously. Where were these people's parents? Yes, there are chill parents in this world (shocker!) but how dense or uncaring could they be? All through of her seventeen years on this planet, Ariana had never experienced any sort of freedom these teenagers have because of her over protective parents. Yes, her parents are barely home but they have always kept a nanny for her who would report to them 24/7. This gets extremely annoying. However, she was still grateful for them. Of course she was, without them she would be absolutely nowhere but still. Tone down on the over protectiveness, please and thank you.

Ariana felt quite successful, albeit she was actually just on her phone reading her fan fictions in the corner, she had actually managed to survive being in this party for an hour.

A round of applause, anyone?


That was until someone completely and utterly shattered her peacefulness and draped an arm around her shoulders, making her widen her eyes in surprise and quickly move to twist that damn arm.

What was with people and touching her shoulders at this party?

"Woah, woah. Chill. It's just me again and woops - sorry for the arm." A deep voice exclaimed quickly after seeing her reaction.


Did this boy not learn his lesson?

"Okay, okay. I apologise, don't hurt me. I'm fragile." He playfully, with a hint of worry in his words, teased Ariana.

Ariana smiled and rolled her eyes.

"I don't want you to think I'm the female hulk or anything, please," She elicited a soft laugh and raises a hand to pat the man's head. "What's up?"

Ashton's eyes brightened at the question and he immediately jutted his lower lip out. "I'm so bored, Ari. Can I call you that? I'm going to call you Ari. It's cuter. Or Aricakes. Or Ariri. But that just sounds like a rip off of Rihanna's nickname. Okay, how about - "

Ariana had pressed her palm against the boy's lips and turned to him to address him in a worried tone. "Did someone slip something in your food or drink, Ashton?"

"No? Why . . " He asked in a muffled tone.

"Please don't tell me you're always like this. . . "

He shot her a weird look but licked her palm, making the poor lass squeal and pull her hand away which earned her a successful grin from Austin as he launched into an another extremely long monologue. "Like what? But anyways, hey. I was thinking, we can be the new best buddies and people call us A squared. Oh my God! Wait, okay forgive me for taking the lord's name in vain but we can definitely be A squared because Australia and America. Do you get it? Aaaaaaaustralia and Aaaaaaamerica-"

And Ariana had pressed her hand against his lips. Again.

"Yes, I get it, Ashton."

Ashton smiled so wide that Ariana could feel it against her palm and enclosed his fist around her wrist and pulled her hand away from his mouth to place it atop of his thigh instead

"Alright. Anyways, my other half of the A squared, why are you sitting here like a loner and not enjoying this amazing party, note the sarcasm because c'mon how can this party be amazing when there is literally no pepsi here but coke, like who prefers coke over pepsi but whatever - pft, their choice - "

Ariana kicked his shin. Gently though, give her props for that.

"Yes, Ashton. I understand. I completely get you and because I am so not getting onto the dancefloor and rubbing my peach against every person or drinking until I look like the grudge herself."

"Your what?"

"Peach. Butt."

"Oh. Wait." Ashton smirked widely and pulled out his phone and tilted it away from Ariana before literally shoving the phone in her face after a few seconds. Ariana quinted and on was able to decipher three emojis on his notepad. A peach, a cucumber and the three droplets emoji. "You can rub your peach against my cucumber."

This earned him a slap on the head. Not as gentle as the kick.

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