Chapter - 5

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Please don't throw sharp knives at me. -cowers-

School was really hectic but now I'm on summer break! Yes, in Australia it's summer when it's winter everywhere else.

Also, it was my birthday yesterday, 23rd December!

But I'm back and my writing's more improve - no it's not the best but it's definitely improved.

I know most of you have probably given up on this story (or me) but I'm back for good now and I WILL finish this book.


S. xo

The alarm went off and I groaned. Second days were even worse than the first days.

Why? you may ask.


Calm the fuck down, Ari.

I mean, I have no problems with school as you already may know. I have a problem with the people in it.

I sighed and got off my bed and walked over to my walk-in closet. Like I said, rich parents, woop.

I also hope you already know that I'm in no way spoilt. Yeah, my Mom and Dad are lawyers and they're barely home so I've been stuck with a Nanny since I was born but they always made sure that I was treated as a normal teenager. I got the right amount of pocket money a normal teenager gets every moths and yada, yada, yada.

But I won't deny that whenever my Mom has a day off, she always drags me shopping and buys me a ton of unecessary items - I'm grateful though.

I sighed and threw a grey shirt with "Nirvana" printed on it on my bed along with another pair of ripped denim skinny jeans, before going to shower.

As soon as I turned the faucet for the shower off, I stepped out in the cold air and shivered and grabbed my blue fluffy towel - Fact about me: I love fluffy things, give me anything fluffy and I'll fall in love with you.

I walked into my room and made sure the curtains wrre closed before throwing my towel off of me. I put on my undergarments and then my shirt and then my jeans.

One leg in, the other in, wrrigle, pull them up, wriggle a bit more, jump and pull them up.

I swear this should be a damn sport.

I heard a cark honk downstairs as soon as I pulled up the zipper and closed the button.

Who was it? Unless my mother jumped off the damn plane and ran home to grab something, I didn't know who it was.

Well, it was definitely not mum since she - honk - could just buy anything easily - another honk - at wherever she was going - honk, honk, honk - for her next Law fight, thing, I don't know.

The honking stopped. Finally.

Then, my doorbell rang.

I breathed angrily, almost like a bull but I was scared out of my damn mind, who the fuck was that? I mean we knew no one in NYC since we just moved here.

I grabbed my lamp from my bedside tabel and quietly walked downstairs and then with my amazing ninja moves, note the sarcasm, I opened my front door so fast and proceeded to bang the intruder's head till their head came off.

Then came laughter - hang on a minute, I know that laugh.

I looked at the intruder and my jaw dropped.

That damn bitch was holding his gut, laughing his head off with the top-half of his body bent over.

I waited for a few seconds and then muttered irritably, "Are you done?"

"You decided to attack me with a table lamp?" He took short breaths between his laughs.

"I'm just gonna go," I said, annoyed and proceeded to close the soor in his face but that douche put his foot between the door as soon as it was about to shut.

"Okay, okay," He gave me an apologetic smile, still looking amused.

"That was the only damn thing that came to mind so hush up, will ya?" I said and opened the door for him, "And how was I supposed to know that a creepy ass btich was going to show up at my doorstep at 7 in the morning?"

He walked in, smirking, "Nice house and you could've gotten a frying pan, damn those hurt like a bitch," He grimaced but continued "And I told you I was picking you up last night, idiot,"

I ignored him and ran up the stairs into my room, lwavong the door open. I walked up to my makeup kit, unzipped it and grabbed a tube lf lip gloss and applied it on my lips. I brushed my hair and pulled it into a pony tail, lwaving my fringe hanging.

I grabbed my bag and shoved my books in it and popped a mint into my mouth.

I slung the bag over my shoulder and walked downstairs and saw Austin lounging on my couch watching the Victorias Secret fashion show that I recorded. I rolled my eyes, he's such a boy.

Yes, I was obsessed with Victorias Secret and it's products, deal with it.

I grabbed a granola bar and walked towards Austina and kicked his ass.

But it looked like it didnt hurt him at all because he didnt even budge but instead turned to look at me with an amused smile.

"I think I felt a fly on my ass," he said, smirking.

"Fuck you, Austin Colton, now get your ass up and drive me to school," I said and started to chew my granola.

He rolled his eyes, grabbed his keys and walked outside with such grave that made me stare.

Hey, don't look at me like that! I'm a teenage girl who has a lot of hormones and likes hot guys, big whoop.

Don't lie - if it was you right now, you'd be staring that boy off.

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