Chapter - 7

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Double updates in a day, can I get an applause? Hehe.

ALSO: If someone would like to make me a cover for this book, PLEASE do, I'll dedicate the next chapter to you.


Ariana groaned as Indie dragged her towards the cafeteria, a confused and irritated expression set on the second girl's face.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Indie exclaimed.

"" Ariana said and the poor girl got even more confused.

"You never told me that you had something going on with Colton!" Indie whisper-shouted Colton's name.

"Should I have?" Ariana was compeletly baffled right now.

"Yes! Ariana do you even know about his reputation?" Indie whispered, her mouth was completely set in a straight line as soon as she stopped speaking.

"Obviously not."

Indie pulled Ariana away from the crowd.

"Ariana, this may sound completely clichè, but that boy is big trouble. Though it may not be my business, I'm just warning you. Literally everyone thinks his family is involved  is involved in undergroud business." Indie whispered as quick as she could.

Ariana paused for a moment, trying to get the information to sink in. "And you believe them? I mean the rumors people spit out," Ariana scoffed and paused for another second, "Rumors are another word for being jealous or pressed as fuck and in my point of view as long as Austin does nothing to harm me I have nothing against him."

Indie gazed at Ariana in amazement. Indie sometimes helped out the receptionist to sort out new students' schedules and etcetera and from what she saw from Ariana's past records and whatnot - she saw that Ariana was a sensible and a role model type of student. What Indie did not suspect though, was that this girl was quirky and amazing as hell and unlike other people Indie knew, Indie and her good judge of character could tell that Ariana did not give a shit about what anyone thought and that was true. Ariana simply did not care after all that had happened.

"Alright," Indie sighed, "But if something happens, come to me immediately."

Ariana winked and grabbed Indie's arm, dragging her along "So where did you say the cafeteria was?"

Ariana fell on her bed and muttered an annoyed "Ugh!". She was drained. P.E honestly did drain all of the energy out of her and today she had someone more competitive as her partner seeing that Austin was absent, which was odd since she had seen him earlier that morning.

Ariana wondered if he was skipping but then realized it was none of her business and dismissed the thought from her mind.

Then suddenly there was a knock on her door. Ariana stopped. Was mum expecting a guest? No, surely not. Mum was out of town for 3 days. She thought.

Ariana picked up her tennis racquet and slowly progressed downstairs and towards the main door. Dejá Vü much?

The said girl threw open the door and yelled a battlecry.

"What the actual fuck?" a deep male voice yelled.


Ariana stepped back and Austin rolled his eyes. "First you bring a table lamp and now a racquet? Wahhh, you're creative."

Ariana was about to throw a witty comeback but then she noticed the red stamp on his shirt and her eyes widened and she gasped, her eyes widening.

Austin followed her gaze and spotted his wound, "Ahhh, yeah about that can I come in? It really hurts." He clutched his wound with his hands which held someone of the bleeding in but the left side of his shirt was completely soaked in blood and his knuckles were also busted up pretty bad.

What had that idiot been fucking doing?

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