Chapter - 9

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✧*。٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧*please reaaaaad :)

quick update, idk when i'll be able to update next because im in the hospital.

+ will be soon tho bc hospitals r boringggg +

as usual, thank you for all of the votes/comments and everything ((let me know if ive improved my writing or whatever ♥♥♥)

ALSO: I had to put (*) in some words because Wattpad made my story R rated. Which it isn't and it won't let me change it back to PG 13.



Chapter - 9

Ariana groaned while searching through her closet for something to wear. Even when she had lived in Australia she had never been to a party.

Remember how Ariana's mum loves to sometimes spoil her? Yeah, Ariana's closet was full of dresses, but frilly dresses. It's something you would want your two year old daughter to wear to a beauty pageant. Even Ariana understood she could never be seen wearing that to a party heck she knew she couldn't even be seen wearing that anywhere.

"You know what, whatever!" Ariana gave up and pulled out a "Pierce the Veil"shirt and tight, ripped skinny jeans and pulled both of them on. She pulled her hair out of the braid she had made last night - since her hair is puffy as hell after being washed - and her hair fell down in waves. Ariana grabbed her mascara and put it on her eyelashes and she was done.

She ran downstairs, thankful that her Mother was coming home from work tomorrow afternoon and grabbed her combat boots, slipping them on.

Ariana's parents - although very nice and sweet - were also very protective of her. Her Father would rather die than see her with a man before she turned thirthy. Literally. Ariana never cared though, she had her two best friends and that was all she needed.

 The only reason why Ariana didn't have a Nanny in America, aka right now, was because they had just moved and her Mother was yet to find a Nanny for a freaking seventeen year old girl. Keyword being seven-freaking-teen.  Sometimes, overprotective parents could be a pain in the butthole.

Ariana heard a honk from outside, signalling Indie was here to pick her up.

Ariana grabbed her keys and walked outside, locking the door on her way out. She walked up to the familiar car, realizing it was not Indie but Austin.

Woah, okay, why the fuck was Colton leaning against his oh-so-sexy car in his oh-so-sexy clothes - which consisted of a blank black top with a black leather jacket and black jeans which hung off from his hip and like Ari, he was wearing black combat boots,  Was he trying to go emo, or? - looking like an oh-so-sexy model?

The girl ignored his presence, well not literally, and started walking the opposite direction making Austin call out to her.

Ignoring him, Ariana started walking quicker until a hand grabbed her wrist and spun her around making her stumble and fall into that idiotic guy's arms.

"What the fuck, Austin?" Ariana grumbled, trying to push herself away from him with no such luck.

"Miss me?" He smirked infuriatingly, making Ariana scoff.

"You wish, mate, let go off me!"

"You're so aggressive, Jesus!"

Ariana glared at him, "It's my specialty and also, you can just call me Ariana."

Austin burst into laughter before dragging the girl around to the other side of her car, opening the door ignoring her protests, he shoved her in and closed the car door.

Austin ran to the driver's side and got inside himself and revved the engine as his key was already inside the ignition.

"I was thinking..." Ariana started, "Why couldn't you just be like those guys in the fanfictions?"

Austin cocked his head towards Ariana and stared at her questioningly.

"I mean, usually when girls in movies or books go to a party, the main guy always just stands there to compliment her admire her for a few seconds yet we just got right to insulting."

Austin raised an eyebrow at the girl and spoke after a few seconds "Don't you have to actually be alluring for that to happen?"





"Fuck you,"

"I'd fuck me too."

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