Chapter - 2

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~Shriya xo


I walked to my locker, keeping my head down so people wouldn't notice me, which didn't work at all and this attention was KILLING me.

I wasn't used to this much attention, even back in Australia. I just had a couple of friends and we'd just chill in the library at lunch or something. I know. Fun life, hey. But I was fine with it because I never really enjoyed being around too many people.

To be honest, I was on a first-name basis with the librarian.

As I reached my locked, entered the code and started to put my books away, I thought about the rude but somewhat gorgeous guy I had seen. I had only seen the side of his face, his back and his hair.

His hair looked to be a soft brownish-black and his eyes were a piercing blue. Well, his left eye was. And I don't think he has heterochromia so his right eye would probably be blue.

Damn it, I thought as I stacked away all of my books and other items and checked my timetable, why was I thinking about that stupid jerk? He was so rude!

I shook my head and tried to clear my thoughts.

Oh my god. We only have ONE lunch and SEVEN periods in America?

Oh hell no! What is this? This is complete and utter crap!

...But, I guess it's okay because more study time! This is my senior year and I need to focus hard to achieve good grades and get a successful jobs.

I grabbed some glue tack and stuck it under my timetable and stuck my timetable on the inside of my locker door.

Today, I had Maths, Media, Psychology, Literacy/English, Break, Drama, Home Ec and Gym.

Ugh, I absolutely hate gym.

Child abuse, I tell you.

I shut my locker, after throwing my bag in it and started walking to my first class since homeroom had ended, but that's okay because the office lady told me that I could organise my books and my locker today.

I walked in the maths hallways and walked to MA12.

I took a deep breath and walked inside and realised that no one was even IN the room. Not even the teacher.

Ah well.

I walked to the very back seat near the window and put my books on my table and sat down on my chair.

Nothing interesting was happening outside. Just the usual you would expect from a public high school. People smoking, ditching classes and all those "rebellious" things that would probably land them a job in good old McDonalds after finishing high school.

I rolled my eyes and took out my phone from pocket. I swiped the screen and checked my messages. I had one from Tyler. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to stop the tears and quickly deleted the message.

"You alright, sweetheart?" A voice rang out.

I snapped me eyes open and put my phone away and found the owner of the voice, the teacher. She was a women probably in her early 40's and she looked pretty nice.

I nodded "Fine, thanks."

"You must be the new girl! Ahh...What was it? Anna, Arina? Wait, Ariana!" She exclaimed.

"Haha, Yeah." I smiled awkwardly.

"Welcome to Westview High!"

Nicest thing I've heard this whole week....or not.


It was gym, aka, last period. I was wearing my gym clothes which were; a white tank top, sport shorts and sports shoes with my hair in a ponytail.

I honestly don't get why girls complain about these uniforms. Like, who gives a crap about how much you weigh? So what if your friend is freaking 40 kgs and you weigh 70 kilograms? I, myself, weigh 58 kilograms and to some, that may be too light and for some that may be too huge. For me? It's perfect.

I honestly don't care. I don't have the best body but I do maintain it (I mean... sometimes) and I don't care what anyone thinks at all.

Moving on, so far I had no friends...if you don't count the librarian of course. But I still had a lot of attention wherever I went, which pressured me.

And I also haven't seen the douche.

Let's name him Hunky.


Ariana. You're so smart.

I walked out in the gym and went and saw the teacher.

"Hello Uh.. Mr. Carson." I spoke, quickly reading his name tag.

"Hello, You must be the new girl. Ariana, Am I right?" I nodded and he continued "Great, just sit down on the floor,"

I nodded again and went and sat down on the cold, hard, wooden floor.

A few minutes passed and all the class started piling in and took a seat near me, some preferred to stand.

"Afternoon class! Today, we have a new student, Ariana. Please make her feel welcome." I suddenly noticed how interesting my nails were. "Anyways, today we'll be doing small wrestling matches with a partner. A boy MUST be with a girl," he glared at us and shouted on "This is NOT and I repeat NOT hardcore wrestling, just some fun for today since I haven't got anything planned, if I see anyone doing anything hardcore on purpose they'd be stuck with me cleaning off the gum and other disgusting things that are stuck underneath the bleachers!"

He looked at us all and spoke, "Am I clear?"

Everyone nodded and he said "You and your partner will take a wrestling mat and find your own personal space, Go!"

Loner. Honestly, this was going to be embarrass-

"Ariana, meet Austin. He'll be your partner." Mr. Carson introduced.

I looked up to see him.

The Hunky Douche.

How cliché.

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