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Hey beautiful people.

Welcome to the Q&A session.


Question: What inspired you to make this book? How did you start this? Did you have a plot in mind or did you just go with the flow?


Before I started this book, I had a little obsession with vampire books and decided to try writing one. Let's just say that my love for vampire books was my inspiration.

I started this book when I was twelve and didn't have any plot in mind. I just wanted to write something about vampires since I enjoyed reading it. Then I started developing a plot after writing a few chapters. But each time I started writing a chapter, another idea would come up. So I decided to go with the flow.


Someone also said...

'I needed the writer to clearly tell me if at all the pureblood would be able to conceive with his love'


Well, I never thought of them having children together. I just wanted Brittany to know who she really was and for her and Cole to have a beautiful relationship together.

Of course, they can have children during the course of their relationship. You're free to imagine it that way.

But I'm not including that in the storyline:)


Another question: Is there going to be a sequel?

Reply: For now, I'm not writing a sequel. I just want the story to end there.

But if I feel like writing one in the future, I'll let you guys know.

If there's ever going to be a sequel, it's going to be super short.

I'm not a fan of prolonged stories.

My reply to the question about smut.

I know some of you came here hoping for smut and all. Well, if you fall in that category but still read to the end... I hope you enjoyed the book without the smut:)


I'm done with answering the questions. Y'all can add any other questions you have in the comment section. I'll answer them here (not in the comment section).


I have a few questions for you guys too:)

1. What do you think about the book?

2. Who is your favourite character?

3. What's your favourite scene?

4. What part do you hate the most?

5.  Who's your worst character?

6. Is there any event/happening you think should have occurred differently? If there is, which part?

7. What do you think about Brittany?

8. What do you think about Cole?

9. What do you think about their relationship? Do you think that they should have been more romantic with each other?

10. Do you ship Rhea and Malcolm?

11. What do you think about the length of the novel?

12. Do you think this novel is worth publishing?

Okay, that's all. I'd really like it if you guys replied to the questions above in the comment section. I love communicating with y'all.

One more thing...

Some of y'all dislike Cole for the horrible things he did at the early parts of the novel... Rhea's POV should change your mind. But I'll still explain:)

At the beginning of the novel, Cole was everything a pureblood is supposed to be. Heartless, horrible personality and all. He was mainly controlled by his pureblood side.

Then he saw how pure Brittany was. Being with Brittany everyday changed him and he tried his best to get rid of the control his pureblood had over him.

More of his good side came out gradually as he learnt how to control his horrible pureblood side.

Villains can become good people too:)

I hope the explanation changed your mind about Cole.

Thanks a lot for reading guys. Don't forget to keep on sharing this book.

I love you guys😗❤😗

Bye for now, beautiful people❤❤❤

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