Chapter 32

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Cole's POV

I was aggravated!

Larissa tried to touch me but she should have known better.

"Don't- touch me". I said, barely recognizing my voice.

My pureblood was taking over fast. I needed to control it.

I watched the short conversation between Britt and Larissa.

Larissa finally left.

My attention drifted towards Britt, my hot as hell pet.

She looked- scared. I didn't want her to be scared of me...

"Leave". I said, hoping she'd leave so I wouldn't do what I wasn't supposed to do. But she refused. I didn't like it and she knew it but she didn't want to leave me.

I took slow daring steps towards her.

I didn't know how much I could restrain myself seeing her in those shorts... She didn't even know that her white T-shirt showed off her black bra.

While she was still saying her last prayers, she didn't even know that I was right in front of her. I caged her hands in one of mine.

I realized I couldn't resist it anymore. She should have left when I told her to.

I shamelessly ogled her body. I found one of my hands lingering on the hem of her shirt.

She noticed this and squirmed.

Fuck! Does she have to look this hot?!? I should have ordered for a really ugly pet, not one that was two times hotter and prettier than most vampire females.

I moved my face closer to hers.

I licked her collarbone, trying to savor her taste.

My impatient pureblood made me nibble on a spot behind her ear rather roughly, trying to find her weak spot.

I repeated it again, earning a moan from her and boy, did that turn me on?

My pureblood wanted to explore her body but I knew that would just take it to another level, making things complicated.

While trying to resist the urge, my grip on her hands loosened slightly, she wriggled one hand from my grip.

And then she ran her hands through my hair. A moan almost escaped my mouth but I managed to suppress it. I didn't want her to please me, at least not yet.

I sucked on a spot above her collarbone which was likely to be another weak spot. I was right, this one made her go weak in the knees.

Her slender legs wrapped around me as she lifted her eyes to stare at me.

I had other things to do in the morning but I couldn't help but watch her sleep throughout the night. After all, sleep wasn't a necessity to me.

I didn't know what to call what was between us but what I knew was that I was falling for my pet.

It felt so wrong yet so damn right.

A/N: Hey beautiful people!

I know this chap is super short but it's just like a filler chapter to let you guys know what was actually going through Cole's mind that night.

Starting from the next chapter, things will get... Umm.... I dunno what to call it.

You just wait and see, I know you'll like it.

Woah, this is like the shortest chapter so far!

We have 613 words including the author's note!

Next chapter will be better, I promise.

~You guys are the best readers in the world!

Yeah, I'm so happy right now and that's because of you guys!

Urhn, maybe I should stop it now... But seriously, thank you soooo much for everything!

I know I've been thanking you guys a lot lately but it won't do me any harm to show some gratitude, will it?

Till next update!

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Love y'all😘❤😘

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