Chapter 16 - Falling for you will do us no good

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Brittany's POV


I've been ignoring Cole for like two weeks now.

It's not like he even tried to talk to me...

The only thing that kept me entertained was writing songs.

Before I was sold as a pet, I used to love music. Don't get me wrong, I still love music but I really didn't have the chance to write songs or even sing. But now I had the chance to do all that now that Cole hardly came to his room.

He didn't let me hang out with my friends so all I did was sit by the window and write songs.

I'd always thought of asking Cole to take me to his office so I could watch TV but seeing Cole always made all my  courage vanish.

It was evening now and I was writing another song on a piece of paper.

I had written five songs now... I just had to find the perfect tune for them.

I always hid my papers in an empty box I found in the closet when I was trying out my outfits, that time, I was bored out of my mind.

Getting the paper wasn't my problem, Cole had a lot of them.

Did I forget to add that Cole has been locking me in the room any time he isn't there?

Yeah, he's been doing that too. He doesn't trust me enough to leave the door open.

When I was done with writing my song, I hid it in the box and kept the box safely...  I also made sure that none of my papers were lingering around because Cole's a lowkey neat freak.

Almost immediately after I was done cleaning everywhere up, Cole came in.

I silently walked to the sofa and sat, careful not to make the slightest noise.

I continued singing songs in my head to distract myself while Cole was busy doing whatever he was doing.

The sofa dipped. I froze instantly.

"Britt," Cole said.

"Y- yes Master". I stuttered.

"I've told you that I didn't mean what I said to you. I didn't mean it, I promise. I said it out of anger-"

"But it's the truth. I forgot my place. I forgot that I was a pet-"

"I'm sorry. I'm really-"

"You shouldn't tell me sorry Master,"

"Don't call me Master". He growled.

I looked away.

"Brittany, look at me". He said.

Out of fear, I slowly look up at him. Even when sitting, he was obviously taller than me.

"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have said all those things. Please stop acting like this around me. I want the real Brittany back".

I smirked at what he said.

He didn't know me. He didn't know the real Brittany.

The real Brittany was a confident girl that didn't give a damn about what people think about her.

All that changed the moment my dad decided to remarry when I was ten.

I was like my mom... At least that was what my dad told me.

"The real Brittany?" I snickered. "You don't know the real Brittany. She's been gone for a long time and I don't think she's ever going to come back".

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