Chapter 24- Stupid Decisions.

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After what seemed like forever, Cole's eyes flung open.

His eyes found mine.

It was completely black! And it scared the shit out of me! I know I've seen his eyes turning black and all that but not completely black!

He slowly sat up in a way that made me want to run for my dear life but my body had different plans. I stayed completely rooted on my seat as I said my last prayers.

The girl beside him woke up too. Her eyes were the same color with his. Black!

Unlike Cole, she wasted no time in standing up. She walked slowly towards me, baring her fangs at me.

Oh my gosh, are they both gonna drink from me?!?

I'm going to die at such a young age!!!

I'm not gonna survive this. I know it. I can feel it.

With slow and steady steps, she walked over to me.

Cole finally stood up too.

You're gonna die Britt, you're gonna die a painful death! My subconscious said and I actually agreed with it.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the feel of a pair of fangs on my neck or wrist or anywhere.

One second passed.

Two seconds...





Nothing happened.

I slowly opened my eyes.

I was more than relieved when I realized that she wasn't walking towards me.

She was walking towards something behind me.

Someone actually.

A nerdy looking guy with freckles scattered by the side of his nose looking like he'd pee on himself any minute was standing behind me.

He looked as scared as shit.

Do you even know how you look right now?

For the second time today, I agreed with my subconscious.

She closed up the little gap that was between them and sunk her fangs into his neck.

There was a light gasp. It was light but it sounded really painful.

I watched in horror as she gulped down his blood. Low growls of satisfaction erupting from her throat.

I thought I saw blood trickle down her mouth... I'm not entirely sure.

His knees weakened as she took more blood from him. She roughly shoved him against the wall.

I saw a tear drop from the corner of his eyes as he gasped for breath.

Your blood will be taken like that soon.

For a minute, I forgot that I was going too face the same horrible fate.

I realized that I actually gasped too.

I clamped my hands against my mouth.

Do you have to be so stupid?!? My stupid subconscious said.

'You should be saying your last prayers too 'cause I'm not going to be dying alone". I pointed out to my subconscious.

Cole was still trying to resist it. He was fighting off the urge. He looked like he was- in pain.

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