CHAPTER 5- Say your last prayers.

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Chloe started avoiding me since she told me about Cole being a vampire.

Something was definitely wrong.

Yesterday, I wanted to serve Cole's food when all the masters finally came to eat breakfast for the first time since I got there, Chloe just said that it was better if I didn't stay near Cole because I would probably get scared which was obviously a lie.

Why would I get scared by standing beside Cole?

She also avoided any form of eye contact with me.

I also noticed a scar on her swollen cheek.

I decided to ask her.

I stood up from my bed and left my room.

I walked downstairs with the hope of finding Chloe.

I walked around the house and I swear, I never knew the house was this big till today. I walked around for what seemed like an hour and I finally saw Chloe, as usual, she was trying to avoid me.

I quickly thought of something that would make her talk to me without me having to really force her.

Something really stupid.

I collapsed on the floor with my eyes closed hoping that she'd fall for my stupid trick. Boy, did it work! After some minutes, she started to panic. She ran to me and knelt by my side. She buried her face in her hands, sobbing.

See? You have to be stupid sometimes to achieve your aim.

I used that opportunity to grab her hand. I tightened my hold on her hand and stood up. She looked shocked, confused and angry.

Hope I didn't take it too far.

"You tricked me you-" She said, raising her other hand to hit me.

I dodged it and dragged her to the back of the house.

"Leave me!" She said in an attempt to wriggle hand free from my hold. Not until I pinned her against the wall with my other hand.

I let go of her hand, tightening my hold on her shoulders, forcing her to look at me.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" I asked looking into her brown eyes.

She didn't reply, she just continued to stare.

"Answer me Chloe, what's wrong? Did Cole do anything to you? Did he tell you anything?" I asked with emotion laced in my voice.

She closed her eyes and let a tear drop fall from her eyes, choking in a sob.

"Don't call him Cole. He's Master Cole. You must respect that name". She said sternly.

I rolled my eyes at her. I'm not one to follow stupid rules.

"He did something to you, right?" I asked, determined to know the reason behind Chloe avoiding me.

After cajoling her, she finally told me but not without making me to promise her that I'll never tell anyone. She wasn't satisfied with my promise so she made me swear on my life but I'm not so stupid... I kept my fingers crossed at my back.

We talked for sometime and then went our separate ways not without Chloe's repetitive apologies.


I went back to my room and started analyzing the new information I had just gathered. It started making little sense to me.

Though I didn't know how dangerous Cole was because Chloe hadn't really told me about pureblood vampires, I could still gather the fact that purebloods were dangerous because of Chloe's experience with Cole some nights before.

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