Chapter 52

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Brittany's POV

"He'll be okay". Rhea said softly.

I exhaled and nodded. I knew she was trying hard not to break down... She needed those soothing words more than I did.

I couldn't have stood up any faster when I sighted the healer that was attending to Cole.

"What's the situation now?" Rhea asked him.

He motioned for us to sit.

"Just tell us, is he going to survive?" Rhea asked impatiently.

The healer sighed in defeat and spoke.

"It's a fifty-fifty chance. The silver hasn't gotten into his heart yet, due to his pureblood lineage... We still have time to drain all the silver in his body, that means we're going to have to drain all his blood and as you know, his blood can only be replaced by the same blood, which means we need another pureblood".

"I'll do it". Rhea said.

"Of course, you will. And that's where the dangerous part comes into the picture..." He said, hesitating to continue.

"Speak". I ordered.

"He's going to die after all his blood is drained... Immediately blood is transferred back into his body, the fight between his spirit and that of his pureblood will begin. This fight can either kill him or save him".

"The fight between two forbidden souls". Rhea whispered.

I crouched down and buried my face in my hands. After I managed to bite back the sob that was threatening to force it's way out of my mouth, I stood back up.

"We shouldn't delay this further..." I said.

Rhea grabbed my arm.

"What if it kills him?" She asked.

I sighed. "At least we tried". I said.

"Start the process now". I ordered.

The healer nodded and went back inside the emergency room.

After about one hour later, a slim female who I assumed was the healer's assistant, came to get Rhea.

"It's time for the blood transfusion, ma'am". She said.

"Wait, how much blood are they gonna take from her?" I asked.

"Just a little bit. Just so his body can heal". She said.

I nodded.

"I'll be right back". Rhea said before disappearing into the room with the healer's assistant.

I heard footsteps approach from behind me. I turned around to see the unfamiliar lady that had fought Dexter with Cole and Malcolm. She was beautiful. She had brown skin like Dexter's with a head full of beautiful curls. What attracted me were her light brown eyes. They spoke so many untold stories.

She smiled at me.

"Hey, Brittany". She greeted.

She knew my name?

"Uh, hi". I said.

"I'm Thana. I guess Cole never mentioned me to you". She said. "We used to date".

"Oh," I said.

"Don't worry though, he played me". She said, like it was nothing. "But don't judge him, it wasn't his fault".

"You're pretty". I told her.

She smiled widely.

"Thanks". She said.

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