Chapter 37

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A/N: Kindly read the announcement below to the end :)

This chapter is not edited. I apologize for any errors.


"Huh, hey". I greeted Lucas.

We had been walking down the hallway  without a single word said. We weren't allowed to use the elevator so we had to take the stairs.

"Hi". He greeted back.

I don't know if I've said this before but Lucas was a really cute human.   The sandy blonde hair, the electric blue eyes, those cute dimples, everything about him was so cute. His voice was a little bit hoarse yet smooth. Yeah, I had a thing for Cole but that didn't stop me from drooling though I didn't make it obvious.

"We didn't get a chance to properly introduce ourselves the other day". I said, trying to strike up a conversation with him.


"Lucas, I know your name. I was just trying to get you to talk". I said.

He smiled, showcasing those cute dimples.

"So- how did you get captured?" I asked.

"In highschool, I wasn't exactly a good guy". He said.

"Bad guy". I teased.

He smiled.

"Exactly. I was a bad guy. Not the guy that wears all black and rides a cool bike. I was a good guy who had to do bad things for bad guys". He said, leaving me confused.

"I was bullied. The bad guys didn't want to get their dirty work done themselves so they made me do it. Sometimes I'd try to refuse but they always made me to do it by beating me up". He said. There was sadness in his voice, though he tried to mask it up.

"You didn't tell your parents?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"I'm an orphan". He said with a small sigh. "My life before getting captured by the vampires was miserable. I got captured the night one of the guys had a big fight with someone. I walked back home after midnight and boom! I found myself in the Royal pet shop".

I could do anything to get my old life back but Lucas here liked his new life. He preferred it to his old life.

"Don't give me that look". He said.

"What look?" I asked.

"Pity". He said.

"Sorry, can't help it". I said, smiling.

"But I'm fine now, really". He said.

"If you say so. Does Rhea know about it?".

"Yeah, I told her a few days after she bought me. She's a really nice vampire, you know".

I nodded.

"But she acts crazy sometimes". I said.

He gave a small laugh.

"The crazier, the merrier". He said. "So- how'd you get captured?"

"I wasn't captured. My step mom sold me to them. I stupidly believed her when she said I was going to live with a non- existent aunt". I said.

"That must have sucked". He said.

"Yeah, it did. I was so heartbroken". I said.

That wasn't the most heartbreaking thing that's happens to me.

I never experienced a mother's love.

My dad was dead.

I believed in a fake age for years.

Tell me, which one sucked more?

We finally got to the third floor where Lucas and I had to part ways. A slave ushered me to the room I shared with Chloe.

It was a slightly large room with two medium sized beds that were beige themed. There were three doors in the room. I discovered that two of those doors led to the mini closets and the last door led to the not so large bathroom.

I chose the bed that was at the farther end and waited for Chloe to arrive.

It took a while before Chloe finally arrived. After she arranged her things into her closet then sat beside me.

"Britt, I was wondering... How'd you end up being a vampire's pet? There are no records of you being captured or anything".

"I wasn't captured, I was sold. But how'd you know that I wasn't captured?" I asked.

"My master punished me by making me clean second floor for a week. That was some weeks ago while I was arranging the files in the record room and I stumbled upon your file". She said.

"Oh... What about you? How'd you end up here?"

"I was captured in broad daylight. At a supermarket".

What the-

"How in the world will they capture someone at a supermarket?" I asked.

"There's something people don't know. There's a kind of boundary that's between where the vampires and humans live. Most humans don't know this so once any human crosses that boundary they'll be either captured or drugged, depending on their age. The only people that can be captured are people within the ages of thirteen and thirty. Some vampires own organizations where homeless kids are taken care of till they're old enough to be sold". Chloe said.

That's a lot of information to take in.

"Wow!" That was all I could say.

"From what I saw in your record, Evelyn Wordsworth sold you to the people in charge of the Royal pet shop before you were auctioned to Prince Cole. You weren't present at the auction. It was only a photograph of you that was presented with the file". She said.

"Yup. That's right. Evelyn Wordsworth was supposedly my stepmother who turned out to be a vampire". I said.

"That's-" She began to speak but another voice interrupted her.

"Pets". The voice said.

We turned to the direction of the voice. It was a female slave.

"You should get ready now. All the clothes you'd wear will be brought to you shortly". She said.

"So who's gonna use the bathroom first?" Chloe asked.

"You can use it first". I said.

She nodded and disappeared into the bathroom.

I lay down on my bed and began to think about my life.

I liked my master, he liked me too but he was getting married to a female vampire.

A/N: Hey beautiful people!

I know this chapter is pretty boring but it's just a filler chapter. I realized I hadn't written much about the other pets. Now we know more about Chloe, Lucas and how the capturing and sales of the pets works.

I really wanna give shoutouts to a lot of people but I'm being a lazy ass so I'll do the real thing later but for now- SHOUTOUT TO ALL MY AWESOME READERS, VOTERS, COMMENTATORS AND FOLLOWERS! I LOVE Y'ALL!!!

So that's it.


Also guys, please send me a Private message if you see any duplication of this story elsewhere. I'm saying this because one of my favorite authors announced that someone posted her story on a group on Facebook, pretending like it was his story. I don't want something like that happening to MVL, my other book or any of my future books.


Don't forget to vote, comment and fan.

Till next update

Love y'all 😘❤😘

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