CHAPTER 6- You blood sucking monster!

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I stood frozen at the door, waiting for Cole to walk angrily to me. Then maybe tear my clothes off or something. But he didn't do anything.

After some minutes of silence, he cleared his throat.

"Do you want to sit or continue standing?" He asked calmly.

"Huh- It depends on what you want me to do". I said, bowing my head in fear. " Master". I quickly added.

Chloe had told me that every pet was required to call their owners 'Master'.

Maybe he'll have a rethink if I act like a good little pet. Being called pet still made me cringe but it's not like I could do anything.

He smirked.

"When did Brittany become so respectful?" He asked.

"I- I learnt that I have to respect you as my...m... Master". Geez Britt, did you really have to stutter?

"That's really good you know". He said.

I didn't know if I was supposed to reply so I just simply nodded.

He sighed.

"Come here" He said but I didn't move an inch.

He switched on the light. He was sitting on his king sized bed.

I started trembling again.

"Sit". He ordered.

"Huh, W-where?" I asked

He pointed at the sofa that was a few inches away from his bed.

I walked slowly and sat on it.

Minutes passed by but no one was ready to start a conversation. He finally spoke up.

"Brittany," He said.

"Yes, M-master"

He sighed again.

"You're scared of me, aren't you?". He said.

"I- Honestly, I am". I said.

We both drowned in silence. Each of us drowning in our own thoughts.


In the evening, Cole dropped the document he'd been working on and started walking over to me.

I looked up at him fearfully.

He sighed yet another time. That was the third time since I arrived in his room.

I was so freaked out that a little contact with him made me shout out in fear.

"Get away from me you blood sucking monster!"

What did I just say?!?

His eyes turned black.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I-it was a mistake..." I rambled.

He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

"It's okay, really" he said calmly before opening his eyes.

His eyes had gone back to their normal blue color.

After that, he didn't say anything.

Thirty minutes later, he stood up and took something that looked like a leash, holding a collar in the other hand.

He walked to me and put the collar around my neck loosely. Then he attached the leash to the collar.

I whimpered for no reason in particular.

"Is it too tight?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"I'm sorry but I have to keep this on your neck when we're outside the room, alright?"

I nodded.


There were many vampires in the dining room.

Cole sat next to a blonde haired guy while I stood beside him.

They served them their mouth watering food along with a glass of thick red liquid that I assumed was blood.

"Is this your new pet?" The blonde guy asked Cole.

"Yup" Cole replied.

The blonde guy smirked.

They served the pets bad looking vegetables.

The sight of the food made my stomach churn.

A lady brought a small wooden chair for me to sit. The chair had nails sticking out on the left side so I sat on the right side.

Unknown to me, the chair was a little bit shaky. My weight broke the chair and I fell on the floor, making a loud noise.

Everyone around me laughed out loud as my face burned with embarrassment.

The same lady that gave me the chair came to pack the pieces of the chair and put another chair. I looked up at her and accessed her features. She didn't look so young but she was kind of pretty, the fact that she was hiding a smile made my face heat up.

After that incident, I didn't dare to sit on any of those small squeaky little chairs. I stood till Cole was done with his meal, starving myself in the process!!!

After dinner, we went back to Cole's room.

He removed the leash and collar from my neck and removed his shirt.

"Ahh! Not even a warning?" I impulsively said.

He smirked.

"Relax, it's just the upper part. Or do you want me to-". He said.

"No please". I said, not waiting for him to complete the sentence.

I couldn't help but let my eyes travel down his bare chest. Watching as his muscles flexed when he picked up another shirt.

My cheeks heated up when I saw that he caught me ogling him again.

"Do you want to have your bath or do you want go to bed without having your bath?"

"I'll have my bath please" I said, happy that Cole was acting nice.

I walked over to his exotic bathroom and undressed before stepping into the shower.

After I had my bath, I wrapped the towel around my body and stepped out of the shower only to see Cole standing near the door. My cheeks turned red at the thought of him watching me have my bath.

"No worries, I just came in".

He handed over a pile of neatly folded clothes to me and left.

I put on the white underwear which surprisingly fit me perfectly. Then I put on the cotton shorts and shirt he provided.

I stared at myself in the mirror, I realized that I didn't as bad as I thought. The dark bags under my eyes had completely disappeared and apart from being wet, my hair looked okay.

I walked back to the room and lay on the thick cloth that had been provided for me to sleep on.

My mind raced through the events of today before slowly drifting to sleep.


A/N: Hey beautiful people!

I'm not really busy now so I decided to update.

Vote and comment as a way to appreciate the early update.

How has summer been for you?

Awesome right?

Thanks a lot to the people that followed me.

Till next update.

Love y'all ❤💗

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