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Today, Jiho and Jungkook go back to Busan

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Today, Jiho and Jungkook go back to Busan.

It made Jungkook upset that he was leaving, he loved Seoul. Even though some of the events that happened there weren't great.

"Put my carry on in the top" Jiho said, leaving his backpack in the middle of the aisle way.

The younger sighed and picked up Jihos heavy backpack and put it in the over head storage before sitting down next to Jiho.

Jiho didn't give a thank you as always, but thats normal and didn't really hurt Kooks feelings.

As the flight attendants went through the little introduction, Jungkook just sat there in his thoughts again.

His thoughts were mainly about Taehyung. He's been thinking about the older since he found that card in his jeans pocket.

This is someone he barely knew, but has done so much in just a day and it really got him thinking.

Why would someone Taehyung barely knew help him?

He even gave Jungkook his phone number incase he needed it. Taehyung showed more kindness in just a few hours then Jiho and him had in years.

Honestly Jungkook thought it was sweet and that Tae was good looking, but he's so unsure on how Jiho is going to be.

In his mind he feels that Jiho is going to change, but deep in his mind he knows it won't ever happen.

Jungkook has to accept the fact that he's stuck with Jiho and that the number Tae gave him might be useless now, but he was still going to keep it.

He didn't know if he was going to need it, but if he does Taehyung better keep his promise like he said he would.

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Taehyung sat at his desk, feet up, Yeontan in his lap.

Yoongi and Namjoon just broke the news to Tae that Jungkook has left Korea with Jiho.

This caused Taehyung to question his options. There was so many things going on in his life right now that he didnt know what to do.

Option 1: Stay here and send two of them over to Busan.

Option 2: Taehyung goes himself, stays for a while and leave Namjoon incharge.

He thinking option two would be best, seeing as Taehyung promised Jungkook himself he would be there.

So he decided on option two.

Soon a knock came on the door and by Yeontans growls the golden haired could tell who was knocking.

"Come in Jimin" Taehyung said, trying to calm Yeontan down.

The blonde came walking in. "I have more information on Red Moon" he said.

"Thats great, but I would like for you to report it to Namjoon, I'm leaving to go to Busan" Taehyung said.

"What? Why the hell- You're leaving here to go to Jungkook aren't you?" The blonde asked.

"I am" The younger of the two said, dropping his legs off from the desk and standing up, still holding onto the dog.

"Now you're just being fucking stupid.. The dumbass chose what he wanted and you're going to go intervine" Jimin said.

"Jungkook is not in the right mindset and if he calls or texts me I want to be the one to go get him." Taehyung said.

"We have Red Moon to worry about and you're over here worried about something thats not important." The blonde said.

"I'm still worried about Red Moon, trust me, but I want this out of the way first and its not up to you what I do" Taehyung said.

"You're being idiotic" Jimin said.

"Excuse me? I do what I want and you're supposed to keep your lips shut and do as I say and I said I was leaving and to report to Namjoon.. Do I make myself clear?" The golden haired asked.

"Whatever, Red Moon is on our fucking ass and all you care about is a relationship that'll probably never even happen." The blonde said.

"And if it doesn't I'll come back.. You think I haven't thought about this? I'm hoping Jungkook comes to his senses while I'm over there" Taehyung said.

"Yeah like that'll happen, he was so ready to crawl back to his abuser when we had him here. You're wasting your time" Jimin said.

"You're acting like I don't care at all about Red Moon, they've been on our ass for years. Even tried killing some of us, we all have a scar from them" Tae said

"I still want to be informed, I'll still give out orders, but I'll be across the country doing it. If thats a problem to you then quit" he added

Jimin glared at the golden haired, to him Taehyung was still waisting his time. Jungkook chose what he wanted and it won't change.

"I'm not quitting, I've been apart of this since day one. You've never been this way until that one night at the club" Jimin said.

"Im still the same Jimin, I've just decided that a raven haired man who's being abused needs my help, even though he might not know it yet" Tae said.

"Now do as I ask you to and butt out of my business. Understand?" He added.

The blonde rolled his eyes "Whatever.." he said.

Taehyung walked out of the room and all the way to his room to pack for him and Yeontan.

Namjoon was going to be incharge, but will still have to do things under Taehyungs orders. No one was going to stop him. Red Moon wasn't going to stop him either.

Red Moon is a group that has been against them since Taehyungs dad was the leader. They're the ones that killed Tae's dad and mom.

They're a group of 5, 3 men and 2 women and each of them are from different parts of the globe and are older by a few years.

Taehyung is doing everything he can to keep his top spot and keep his fathers word.

He wasn't going to let them take anything from him.

Taehyung got on his private jet with Yeontan, ready to go to his hotel.

Hopefully Jungkook will text him while he's here and he can bring him back to Seoul with him.


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