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6 weeks later:

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6 weeks later:

Jungkook is now 32 weeks along, meaning he has 8 weeks left to go and he has never been so uncomfortable or impatient in his life. He cannot wait for him to come out already.

Right now the raven was in the kitchen making himself a snack, Yeontan, who still refuses to leave his side, by his feet. As he was making a snack out of the corner of his eye, in the glass doors that went outside, he saw a figure, but when he fully looked up the figure he was seeing was gone.

He's been seeing these figures for a few weeks now and he feels like he's going crazy. He doesn't want to tell Tae because he fears he'll be called crazy. He can't be going crazy though, he just can't be.

Suddenly Yeontan just started growling and barking, running to the set of glass doors as well. Either the small dog seen the figure too or Jimin is outside. Just as the raven started making his way to the glass doors, someone came into the kitchen.

"Hey.. I found you." The golden haired male said, causing Jungkook to jump. "I didn't mean to scare you, just wanted to check on you while i'm on my small break." he added.

"I'm fine, just making myself something.." Jungkook said, making his way back over to the counter. You can clearly tell something was on his mind and his boyfriend was going to make sure it didn't go unnoticed.

"What's on your mind?" Taehyung asked, making his way to hover ovver Jungkook's shoulder to see what he was making.

"Hm? Oh it's nothing, just doing some overthinking.." The younger replied, putting the last touch on his sandwhich before taking a huge bite.

"You can tell me." Tae replied, just watching his boyfriend eat.

"You'll think i'm insane if I tell you." Jungkook said. "So i'm leaving it be." he added.

"Jungkook..." The older said, crossing his arms. "I'm sure you're not going insane." he said.

The raven just sighed and shoved more of his sandwich in his mouth. He was definitely going to be called crazy..

"I've been seeing like.. Shadow figures in the doors and windows these past couple weeks and when I fully look up to see they they're gone..." Jungkook replied. "Yeontan can back me up, he's been seeing them too." he added, pointing at the small dog who was still barking out the glass doors. 

"Are they fully human shadows? Like the figure of a human?" The golden haired male asked, causing the younger to just look at him. He's not being called crazy?? 

"Yeah.. I guess so, like I said, I'd fully look up and their gone." The younger said, eating more of his sandwhich. 

"I believe you.. I've been seeing similar things so don't worry.. I'll have whatever the hell is going on taken care of.." Taehyung said, causing his boyfriend to give him a weird look. 

How was he going to get rid of shadow people by himself? Jungkook then shook his head he wasn't going to question it, he feels he's asked enough question in the small amount of time he's been here. 

In reality, Taehyung knows exactly whats going on... They haven't heard much from Red Moon in the past 6 weeks. They're on his territory, stalking Jungkook from the outside, making the younger feeling like he's going insane. 

Things need to change around here once again, looks like shifts are going to have to go outside with his crew. The guards he has aren't enough, they obviously aren't scared of them. He needs to host a meeting asap and get this taken care of. 

"Well I'm going to go back to work, like always, let me know if you need anything." Taehyung said, kissing Jungkook on the cheek. 

"Can I come watch you work? I've never seen what you do.. I know you're in business, but I just want to watch." The raven asked, putting the rest of the sandwich into his mouth. 

"Ummm. My job is really boring and I don't think you'd enjoy watching a CEO sit there and look at things like... stocks... uhh... filing papers..things like that." The older replied, getting a pout from his lover. 

"Ok.." Jungkook replied. 

"Maybe one day when I'm doing something interesting you can watch me work." Tae said, pulling his phone to send a messge out that he wanted to host a meeting in 5 minutes. 

"Ok.. Maybe I'll go try to nap or something, I didn't really sleep to well last night." The raven said, causing Tae to nod. 

"Get as much rest as you need.." The golden haired male said, pecking his boyfriends cheek once again. "I love you." He added. 

"I love you too." Jungkook replied, smile appearing on his face. 

The two went their seperate ways, the raven to the bedroom, Yeontan following closely and the golden haired upstairs. When he entered the meeting room there everyone sat waiting for him. 

"Things are changing once again.." Taehyung said, shutting the door behind him.

I'm sorry for lack of chapters and that the chapters have been short, I've been busy with school and not going to lie, I've been working on stuff that will be out soon :). 

Anyways! I love you all and i'll see you in the next one! 


OH! Quick announcement! 
I have a book out on my page that will be fully released April 15th! When ypu get the chance check it out!

-Chrissy OH! Quick announcement! I have a book out on my page that will be fully released April 15th! When ypu get the chance check it out!

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