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Its been a few weeks since Jiho and Jungkook have been in Seoul

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Its been a few weeks since Jiho and Jungkook have been in Seoul.

Jungkook was back doing the cooking, cleaning and making sure Jiho was happy, which the older was never happy to begin with. 

As Jungkook was on his hands and knees scrubbing the floor, the mop broke and Jiho refuses to get a new one, the raven started feeling tired and sick like. 

I didn't matter what the younger did, it would tire him out so easily. The sickness he doesn't know where its coming from, its been going on for 3 days now and it was starting to bother him on what it could be. 

Jungkook leaned up, stuck the sponge into the bucket, wrung it out and went back to scrubbing.

A wave of nausea hit the younger hard causing him to stand up quickly and run to the sink to throw up. The sink was the closest thing to him.

He was gagging and throwing up harshly, but the question was, What was he even throwing up? He barely eats and when he does its very little.

The raven teared up as he finished throwing up, turning on the water to get it to run down the drain.

"Come on, go down" Jungkook said, grabbing the small hose to turn on, so he could push it down more.

Once the sink was clean he went back to what he was doing. He just couldn't figure out why we was so sick, it just didn't make sense.

Maybe he should go to the doctor, but he'd have to ask Jiho for his permission first before making plans like that.

Of course Jiho would have to go with and answer everything for Jungkook, you know treating him like he's a child and the older being the parent.

Jungkook sighed and just scrubbed the floor like his life depended on it. Hopefully he can ask Jiho at dinner or sometime tonight.

He really wants to know whats wrong.

· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·

Jiho and Jungkook were at the dinner table, eating.

The food was making Jungkook feel nauseous, but he was trying to power through it. He didn't want to get sick infront of Jiho because he knows he will get laughed at.

"Jiho, I have a question.." Jungkook said, picking at the small amount of food on his plate.

The older growled a bit and crushed the can of beer he just finished drinking. "What Jungkook" he said.

"Y-you know what its not important.. Nevermind.." The raven said, not wanting to look at Jiho in the eyes.

"Too late you already brought it up, what is it" Jiho said, throwing the empty can behind him.

"I just wanted to know if I can have a doctors appointment.." Jungkook said, feeling the nausea get worse.

"Why the fuck do you need to go to the doctor?" The older asked.

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